Figure 1: Following an iterative and data-driven offline-online process for innovating in personalization
solution was accomplished by combining many independent
models also highlighted the power of using ensembles.
At Netflix, we evaluated some of the new methods included
in the final solution. The additional accuracy gains that
we measured did not seem to justify the engineering effort
needed to bring them into a production environment. Also,
our focus on improving Netflix personalization had by then
shifted from pure rating prediction to the next level. In the
next section, I will explain the different methods and com-
ponents that make up a complete personalization approach
such as the one used by Netflix.
Netflix has discovered through the years that there is tremen-
dous value in incorporating recommendations to personal-
ize as much of the experience as possible. This realization
pushed us to propose the Netflix Prize described in the pre-
vious section. In this section, we will go over the main com-
ponents of Netflix personalization. But first let us take a
look at how we manage innovation in this space.
3.1 Consumer Data Science
The abundance of source data, measurements and associated
experiments allow Netflix not only to improve our personal-
ization algorithms but also to operate as a data-driven orga-
nization. We have embedded this approach into our culture
since the company was founded, and we have come to call
it Consumer (Data) Science. Broadly speaking, the main
goal of our Consumer Science approach is to innovate for
members effectively. We strive for an innovation that allows
us to evaluate ideas rapidly, inexpensively, and objectively.
And once we test something, we want to understand why it
failed or succeeded. This lets us focus on the central goal of
improving our service for our members.
So, how does this work in practice? It is a slight variation
on the traditional scientific process called A/B testing (or
bucket testing):
1. Start with a hypothesis: Algorithm/feature/design
X will increase member engagement with our service
and ultimately member retention.
2. Design a test: Develop a solution or prototype. Think
about issues such as dependent & independent vari-
ables, control, and significance.
3. Execute the test: Assign users to the different buck-
ets and let them respond to the different experiences.
4. Let data speak for itself : Analyze significant changes
on primary metrics and try to explain them through
variations in the secondary metrics.
When we execute A/B tests, we track many different met-
rics. But we ultimately trust member engagement (e.g.
viewing hours) and retention. Tests usually have thousands
of members and anywhere from 2 to 20 cells exploring vari-
ations of a base idea. We typically have scores of A/B tests
running in parallel. A/B tests let us try radical ideas or test
many approaches at the same time, but the key advantage
is that they allow our decisions to be data-driven.
An interesting follow-up question that we have faced is how
to integrate our machine learning approaches into this data-
driven A/B test culture at Netflix. We have done this with
an offline-online testing process that tries to combine the
best of both worlds (see Figure 1). The offline testing cycle
is a step where we test and optimize our algorithms prior
to performing online A/B testing. To measure model per-
formance offline we track multiple metrics: from ranking
measures such as normalized discounted cumulative gain, to
classification metrics such as precision, and recall. We also