Rational ClearCase LT 使用详解

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"Rational ClearCase LT 使用指南.pdf" Rational ClearCase LT 是一款由 Rational 公司(现归 IBM 所有)开发的轻量级配置管理工具,专为中小型开发团队设计。该工具提供了对软件开发过程中各种工件(如代码、文档等)的追踪和管理功能,帮助团队有效地协调和控制软件开发流程。ClearCase LT 支持版本控制、分支管理和合并操作,确保团队成员可以在不影响他人工作的前提下进行并行开发。 ClearCase LT 包括两个主要组成部分:ClearCase LT Server 和 ClearCase LT Client。Server 负责集中存储和管理所有配置数据,而 Client 则安装在开发人员的个人电脑上,允许他们访问和操作这些数据。这种 Client/Server 架构确保了数据的一致性和安全性。 在 ClearCase LT 中,开发团队可以创建多个视图(View),每个视图代表了项目的一个特定状态或开发阶段。动态视图(Dynamic View)提供实时更新,让开发人员总是看到最新的代码,而静态视图(Static View)则提供离线工作环境,允许在断开与服务器连接时进行开发。 此外,ClearCase LT 支持分支管理,允许团队为不同的功能或修复创建独立的开发分支。当开发完成,可以通过合并操作将分支的更改整合回主分支。这种机制有助于管理复杂项目的并行开发,并且降低了代码冲突的风险。 与 Rational 的其他产品如统一变更管理(UCM)和问题跟踪工具 ClearQuest 集成,ClearCase LT 可以提供一个全面的软件开发生命周期管理解决方案。UCM 提供了一种结构化的方法来管理项目,包括基线、里程碑和变更请求,而 ClearQuest 则用于记录和跟踪问题和任务。 Rational ClearCase LT 是一款强大的配置管理工具,尤其适用于那些需要高效协作但规模不大的团队。它通过提供版本控制、分支管理、集成环境和客户端/服务器架构,帮助团队保持代码的整洁和项目的有序进展。使用此工具,开发人员能够更好地控制和协调他们的工作,从而提高软件开发的效率和质量。

Create a class called Rational for performing arithmetic with fractions. Use integer variables to represent the private data of the class – the numerator and the denominator. Provide a constructor that enables an object of this class to be initialized when it’s declared. The constructor should store the fraction in reduced form. For example, the fraction 2/4 would be stored in the object as 1 in the numerator and 2 in the denominator. In order to compute the reduced form, you need to write a reduction function which uses the Euclidean algorithm to get the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator first and then divides GCD to get the reduced numerator and denominator. Provide public member functions that perform each of the following tasks: (a) Subtract a Rational number from the other Rational number. The result should be stored in reduced form. (b) Divide a Rational number by the other Rational number. The result should be stored in reduced form. (c) Print Rational numbers in the form a/b, where a is the numerator and b is the denominator. (d)Compare two Rational numbers to make sure which one is smaller or they are equal. (1 for the first number, 2 for the second number and 0 if they are equal) Please also write a main function to prompt the user to input two Rational numbers . Subtract one number from the other from these two numbers using (a) and then print the result using (c). Divide one number from the other from these two numbers using (b) and then print the result using (c). Compare these two Rational numbers using (d) and indicate which one is smaller or they are equal. 用c++5.11寫出,且使用using namespace std;

2023-06-02 上传