Oracle 10g性能优化指南:新特性与调整策略

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"Oracle_10g性能调整与优化.pdf 是一本针对DBA和开发人员的书籍,旨在帮助初级和中级专业人士理解并优化Oracle系统。书中涵盖了Oracle Database 10g的新特性,如网格计算的概念,以及如何利用这些新特性进行性能调整。作者强调,本书不仅介绍了新的技术,还提供了一系列实用技巧,以应对各种性能挑战。Oracle 10g的网格计算允许资源动态扩展,适应高负载需求,而无需初始阶段就进行大量调整。此外,书中还特别提到了两个重点章节:第14章介绍了Statspack和AWR Report这两个强大的性能监控工具,而第5章则聚焦于企业网格控制(Enterprise Manager),该工具提供了图形化的性能调整界面,尤其适用于RAC系统和大规模环境。" 在Oracle Database 10g中,引入的网格计算概念是其一大亮点。网格计算是Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 的逻辑延伸,允许数据库从资源池(网格)中按需获取资源,以满足高需求。这在一定程度上解决了传统Oracle版本需要预先适配最大负载的问题。Oracle 10g的这一特性使得资源分配更具灵活性,可在不同硬件和操作系统环境中动态扩展。 书中第1章详细讨论了Oracle 10g的新特性,包括那些对读者最具吸引力的功能。随着章节深入,内容逐渐复杂,提供了高级调整策略。作者特意为时间有限的读者准备了两章精华内容:第14章集中讲解Statspack和AWR Report,这两个工具在性能分析和调优中扮演关键角色,包含了专家常用的脚本;第5章则介绍了Enterprise Manager,这是一个图形化的管理工具,可用于直观地监控和调整系统性能,特别是对于RAC集群和大规模部署非常有用。 对于全面理解Oracle 10g性能优化的读者,了解新特性是至关重要的第一步。后续章节将深入探讨性能调整的具体技术和实践,帮助读者掌握在Oracle 10g环境中提升系统性能的技巧。
2009-10-18 上传
Database Performance Tuning and Optimization Publisher: Springer | Pages: 510 | 2002-12-13 | ISBN: 0387953930 | PDF | 2 MB Product Description: Examples abound in database applications of well-formulated queries running slowly, even if all levels of the database are properly tuned. It is essential to address each level separately by focusing first on underlying principles and root causes, and only then proposing both theoretical and practical solutions. "Database Performance Tuning and Optimization" comprehensively addresses each level separately by focusing first on underlying principles and root causes, and then proposes both theoretical and practical solutions using Oracle 8i examples as the RDBMS. The book combines theory with practical tools (in the form of Oracle and UNIX shell scripts) to address the tuning and optimization issues of DBAs and developers, irrespective of whether they use Oracle. Topics and features: * An integrated approach to tuning by improving all three levels of a database (conceptual, internal, and external) for optimal performance * Balances theory with practice, developing underlying principles and then applying them to other RDBMSs, not just Oracle * Includes CD-ROM containing all scripts and methods utilized in the book * Coverage of data warehouses provides readers much needed principles and tools for tuning large reporting databases * Coverage of web-based databases * Appendix B shows how to create an instance and its associated database and all its objects * Provides useful exercises, references, and Oracle 8i and select 9i examples Based on nearly two decades of experience as an Oracle developer and DBA, the author delivers comprehensive coverage of the fundamental principles and methodologies of tuning and optimizing database performance. Database professionals and practitioners with some experience developing, implementing, and maintaining relational databases will find the work an essential resource. It is also suitable for professional short courses and self-study purposes.