Computers & Graphics 29 (2005) 331–339
Technical section
Interpretive OpenGL for computer graphics
Bo Chen, Harry H. Cheng
Integration Engineering Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, University of California,
Davis, CA 95616, USA
OpenGL is the industry-leading, cross-platform graphics application programming interface (API), and the only
major API with support for virtually all operating systems. Many languages, such as Fortran, Java, Tcl/Tk, and
Python, have OpenGL bindings to take advantage of OpenGL visualization power. In this article, we present Ch
OpenGL Toolkit, a truly platform-independent Ch binding to OpenGL for computer graphics. Ch is an embeddable C/
C++ interpreter for cross-platform scripting, shell programming, numerical computing, and embedded scripting. Ch
extends C with salient numerical and plotting features. Like some mathematical software packages, such as MATLAB,
Ch has built-in support for two and three-dimensional graphical plotting, computational arrays for vector and matrix
computation, and linear system analysis with advanced numerical analysis functions based on LAPACK. Ch OpenGL
Toolkit allows OpenGL application developers to write applications in a cross-platform environment, and all of the
OpenGL application source code can readily run on different platforms without compilation and linking processes. In
addition, the syntax of Ch OpenGL Toolkit is identical to C interface to OpenGL. Ch OpenGL Toolkit saves OpenGL
programmers’ energies for solving problems without struggling with mastering new language syntax. Ch OpenGL
Toolkit is embeddable. Embedded Ch OpenGL graphics engine enables graphical application developers or users to
dynamically generate and manipulate graphics at run-time. The truly platform independent, scriptable, and embeddable
features of Ch OpenGL Toolkit make it a good candidate for rapid prototyping, mobile graphics applications, Web-
based applications, and classroom interactive presentation. The design issues of Ch OpenGL Toolkit and its potential
applications are presented in the article. A methodology that can be used to implement a Web-based visualization
system based on Ch OpenGL and Ch CGI is also introduced. The method described in the article can be easily followed
to create a Web-based visualization system at low cost and with minimal effort. The software packages Ch and Ch CGI
Toolkit are freely available and can be downloaded from the Internet.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Methodology and techniques—interaction techniques; Graphics utilities—software support; Graphics systems—
distributed/network graphics
1. Introduction
The field of computer graphics continues rapidly
growing with an ever-increasing number of applications
in diverse areas, such as entertainment, business, art,
education, medicine, engineering, and industry. A
number of software packages have emerged to help
generate and manipulate two-dimensional (2D)/three-
dimensional (3D) graphics. OpenGL [1] is a graphical
application programming interface (API) for the C/
C++ programming language. The primary motivation
for developing OpenGL API is to create an operating
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Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 530 752 5020;
fax: +1 530 752 4158.
E-mail address: hhcheng@ucdavis.edu (H.H. Cheng).