Inner window
Outer window
Figure 2. Principle of double window SLAM.
map quality. We will build our multi-fisheye camera SLAM upon
ORB-SLAM and explain all changes in the next sections.
The methods described so far either use a single camera (Monoc-
ular SLAM) or a stereo configuration (Stereo SLAM). CoSLAM
(Collaborative SLAM) (Zou and Tan, 2013) aims at combining
the maps build by multiple cameras moving around in dynamic
environments independently. The authors introduce inter-camera
tracking and mapping and methods to distinguish static back-
ground points and dynamically moving foreground objects. In
(Heng et al., 2014), four cameras are rigidly coupled on a MAV.
Two cameras are paired in a stereo configuration respectively and
self-calibrated to an IMU on-line. The mapping pipeline is simi-
lar to ORB-SLAM and also uses ORB descriptors for map point
assignment. Additionally, the authors propose a novel 3-Point
algorithm to estimate the relative motion of the MAV including
IMU measurements. Most recent work on multi-camera SLAM is
dubbed MC-PTAM (Multi-Camera PTAM) (Harmat et al., 2012,
Harmat et al., 2015) and is build upon PTAM. In a first step (Har-
mat et al., 2012), the authors changed the perspective camera
model to the generic polynomial model that is also used in this
paper. This induces further changes, e.g. relating the epipolar
correspondence search that now has to be performed on great cir-
cles on the unit sphere instead of point to line distances in the
plane. In addition, significant changes concerning the tracking
and mapping pipeline had to be made to include multiple rigidly
coupled cameras. Keyframes are extended to MKFs as they now
hold more than one camera. As PTAM, their system uses patches
as image features and warps them prior to matching. Still, the
system lacks a mapping pipeline that is capable to perform in
large-scale environments. Subsequent work (Harmat et al., 2015)
improved upon (Harmat et al., 2012) and is partly similar to the
SLAM system developed in this thesis in that it uses the same
camera model and g2o to perform graph optimization. On top,
the authors integrated an automated calibration pipeline to esti-
mate the relative orientation of each camera in the MCS. Still the
system uses the relatively simple mapping back-end of PTAM in-
stead of double-window optimization that is used in this thesis
and has proven to be superior. In addition, image patches are
used as features making place recognition, loop closing and the
exploration and storage of large environments critical.
Thus far, all approaches were based on local point image features.
Hence, the reconstructed environment will stay relatively sparse
even if hundreds of features are extracted in each keyframe. This
makes it difficult for autonomous vehicles or robots that explore
their surrounding to automatically analyze and extract object struc-
ture or texture information. Thus, most of the time, camera local-
ization is coupled with laser scanners (Lin et al., 2012), struc-
tured light (Kerl et al., 2013), yielding structured object informa-
tion. Recent work on semi-dense (Forster et al., 2014, Engel et
al., 2014) and dense (Newcombe et al., 2011, Concha and Civera,
2015) camera-based SLAM systems make use of a single camera
to estimate dense scene structure instead of reconstructing only
point features.
LSD-SLAM (Engel et al., 2014) is a semi-dense approach that
runs on a single CPU in real-time, in contrast to dense methods
(Newcombe et al., 2011) that need heavy GPU support. Using
direct image-alignment by minimizing the photometric error be-
tween image discontinuities, the method skips the costly feature
extraction and matching stage of all feature-based SLAM sys-
tems. The time saved compensates for the increased BA run-
time, as a huge number of observations is included. In addition,
all scale-drift aware loop closing and large scale double window
optimizations are included, making LSD-SLAM a state-of-the-
art approach that also runs in real-time. However, loop closing
uses FAB-MAP (Cummins and Newman, 2010) for place recog-
nition and thus requires SURF features to be extracted. Subse-
quent work extended the method to mobile phones (Sch
ops et
al., 2014), stereo (Engel et al., 2015) as well as omnidirectional
cameras (Caruso et al., 2015). Instead of coupling camera pose
estimation and semi-dense mapping, in (Mur-Artal and Tard
2015) a semi-dense extension to ORB-SLAM is presented. The
semi-dense map is reconstructed from feature-based keyframes
using depth consistency tests and a novel correspondence search.
The semi-dense reconstruction is not obtained in real-time but is
calculated in a CPU thread running in parallel to tracking and
mapping. The methods yields superior performance compared to
LSD-SLAM and it seems that the decoupling is advantageous,
especially in dynamic scenes.
We will extend the state-of-the-art ORB-SLAM to multi-fisheye
camera systems using MultiCol (Urban et al., 2016b). Our contri-
butions to ORB-SLAM (and ORB-SLAM2 respectively) are the
1. The introduction of Multi-Keyframes (MKFs).