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"本书《Robot Manipulator Control Theory and Practice》由Frank L.Lewis撰写,主要探讨了机器人操纵器的控制理论与实践,涵盖了伺服系统、控制器以及运动控制等多个关键领域。书中深入研究了机器人技术的基础知识,同时也关注了非线性控制、计算智能在控制工程中的应用等现代控制理论和技术。" 《Robot Manipulator Control Theory and Practice》是控制工程领域的参考书籍之一,旨在为读者提供关于机器人操纵器控制的全面理解。伺服系统作为机器人的重要组成部分,其性能直接影响到机器人的精确性和响应速度。书中可能详细介绍了伺服系统的结构、工作原理以及如何优化其性能,包括伺服电机的选择、驱动器的设计和控制算法的应用。 机器人控制器部分则关注如何设计和实现有效的控制系统,以确保机器人能够准确执行预定任务。这可能涉及到控制器的类型(如PID控制器、滑模控制器等)、控制策略的选取以及如何处理不确定性问题。此外,运动控制是机器人技术的核心,书中可能涵盖了轨迹规划、动态平衡、协调控制以及高速高精度运动控制的实现方法。 非线性控制是解决复杂机器人系统控制问题的关键,因为机器人系统的动态特性往往是非线性的。书中可能讨论了非线性控制理论,如李雅普诺夫稳定性分析、滑模控制、自适应控制等,并结合实际机器人操纵器的例子来展示这些理论的应用。 计算智能在控制工程中的应用部分可能涵盖了神经网络、模糊逻辑、遗传算法等人工智能技术在解决机器人控制问题上的作用。这些技术能帮助处理不确定性和复杂性,提高控制系统的自适应能力和鲁棒性。 此外,书中还可能涉及了时间延迟系统和滤波器设计,因为通信延迟和动态延迟在远程操作或实时反馈控制中是常见问题。通过量化反馈理论和鲁棒控制方法,可以克服延迟带来的影响,保证系统的稳定性和性能。 《Robot Manipulator Control Theory and Practice》是一本深入浅出地介绍机器人操纵器控制技术的著作,对于理解和掌握机器人控制领域的核心概念和实用技术具有重要价值。无论对于学术研究还是工程实践,这本书都提供了丰富的知识和实用的指导。
2019-01-04 上传
机器人控制原理 The advent of new high-speed microprocessor technology together with the need for high-performance robots created substantial and realistic place for control theory in the field of robotics. Since the beginning of the 80's, robotics and control theory have greatly benefited from a mutual fertiliza­ tion. On one hand, robot models (inherently highly nonlinear) have been used as good case studies for exemplifying general concepts of analysis and design of advanced control theory; on the other hand, robot manipulator by using new control algorithms. Fur­ performance has been improved thermore, many interesting robotics problems, e. g. , in mobile robots, have brought new control theory research lines and given rise to the development of new controllers (time-varying and nonlinear). Robots in control are more than a simple case study. They represent a natural source of inspiration and a great pedagogical tool for research and teaching in control theory. Several advanced control algorithms have been developed for different types of robots (rigid, flexible and mobile), based either on existing control techniques, e. g. , feedback linearization and adaptive control, or on new control techniques that have been developed on purpose. Most of those results, although widely spread, are nowadays rather dispersed in different journals and conference proceedings. The purpose of this book is to collect some of the most fundamental and current results on theory of robot control in a unified framework, by editing, improving and completing previous works in the area.