where we have introduced g as
. (3.12)
For 0 < p < 3 at high energies, U 1, the string coupling becomes small indicating
that the theory is free in the UV. As discussed in section 2 this is the expected UV behavior
of maximal SYM theory in 1 < d < 4 dimensions. Conversely for 3 < p < 7 the dilaton
increases at high energies indicating that the field theory is strongly coupled. This again fits
nicely with the fact that for d > 4 the SYM theory is not renormalizable. Clearly the case
p = 3 is special since the string coupling is constant throughout the solution and the metric
is that of AdS
. This is the well-known holographic dual description of the conformal
N = 4 SYM theory in d = 4. The background in (3.9)–(3.11) possesses ISO(1, p)×SO(9−p)
isometry for p 6= 3 and SO(2, 4)×SO(6) for p = 3. This is the same as the global symmetry
group of the SYM theories discussed in section 2. It is therefore clear that this near-horizon
solution nicely exhibits the physics we expect from a holographic dual to SYM on flat space.
We refer to [9] and references thereof for further support of this holographic duality.
Our goal is to generalize the solutions in (3.9)–(3.11) and construct supergravity back-
grounds which correspond to spherical Dp-branes and provide a holographic description
of maximal SYM on S
. This necessitates an understanding of how to construct super-
gravity solutions for D-branes with Euclidean worldvolume. This was addressed in several
papers by Hull [39–41] where he argued that there are Euclidean branes, or E-branes, not
of regular type II string theory but of the so-called type II
string theory. The existence
of a low-energy supergravity limit of these type II
string theories can be deduced inde-
pendently from a supergravity point of view [42]. The type II
supergravity theories admit
E-brane solutions
for which the brane worldvolume is Euclidean and the time direction
is transverse to the brane worldvolume, i.e. E-branes resemble instantons. The E-brane
solutions can be obtained from the Dp-brane solutions above by analytically continuing
the time direction of the brane worldvolume into a spatial coordinate and at the same
time analytically continuing the polar angle of the sphere transverse to the brane into a
time-like coordinate. This analytic continuation results in changing the worldvolume of
the brane from R
to R
and the transverse S
sphere in (3.9) to de Sitter space,
. The analytic continuation does not only affect the metric, but also changes the R-R
fields. In [39–41] all R-R fields are taken to be real with “wrong sign” kinetic terms. In this
paper we use an equivalent formulation in which all R-R fields are imaginary with “usual
sign” kinetic terms. To ensure supersymmetry the Killing spinors for these E-branes have
to satisfy rather unusual reality conditions, this is explained in some detail in appendix B.
Finally we note that solutions of the Lorentzian type IIA
string theory should uplift to
solutions of the so-called M
theory, see [39–41], which has the somewhat exotic (2, 9)
signature of the metric, i.e. two time-like and nine spatial dimensions.
The real constant g will be identified with the coupling constant of the (p + 2)-dimensional gauged
supergravity theory in which the brane solutions can be effectively described.
Note that in the notation of [39–41] an E(p + 1)-brane is the Euclidean version of a Dp-brane.
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