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1998 Passage 1 introduces us to several important vocabulary words that are commonly tested on the English section of the Graduate Entrance Examination. The first word, "imagination," is defined as the ability to think creatively or form mental images. It is emphasized in the passage that imagination is even more important than knowledge, as it allows us to soar to greater heights like a kite flying high in the sky. However, it is also noted that imagination is no substitute for real-life experience. Another key term discussed in the passage is "symbol," which refers to a sign or representation of something else. Light, for example, is described as a symbol of truth. By understanding the symbolic meanings of various elements, we can gain deeper insights into the world around us. The word "cement" is introduced as a verb meaning to bind or solidify, as well as a noun referring to a substance used in construction. In a metaphorical sense, a sweet and innocent compliance is likened to the cement that holds love together, implying that mutual understanding and compromise are essential for maintaining a strong relationship. The final term mentioned in the passage is "deprive," which means to take away or deny something from someone. This word carries negative connotations, as it suggests a loss or absence of something important. The passage highlights the significance of this word in the context of power dynamics and control. By studying and mastering these vocabulary words, as well as others like them, students can improve their reading comprehension skills and perform better on standardized tests like the Graduate Entrance Examination. Vocabulary acquisition is an essential component of language learning and plays a crucial role in academic success. As such, it is important for aspiring graduate students to expand their lexicon and deepen their understanding of key terms in order to excel in their studies and achieve their educational goals.