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LabVIEW software is the main controller, with ELVIS hardware platform as the support. This paper introduces the basic knowledge of steering gear including structure, signal characteristics, and control principles, as well as the general knowledge of using and controlling virtual instruments based on ELVIS. Detailed explanations are provided on the hardware and usage of data acquisition card.
Based on the above points, this paper achieves the following functions: displaying the PWM signal waveform of steering gear through signal input from the data acquisition card, controlling the angle of the steering gear through a potentiometer circuit, displaying the speed of the steering gear through a photoelectric sensor circuit, and testing the torque of the steering gear through a torque sensor circuit. Key words: steering gear tester; ELVIS; LabVIEW. Through the designed system, the testing and controlling of steering gear can be easily achieved, providing a practical and effective solution for the field of mechatronics and engineering.
2023-07-04 上传
128 浏览量
2023-07-04 上传
116 浏览量
2021-09-24 上传
167 浏览量
- 粉丝: 100
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