Evolutionary trust scheme of certificate game in mobile cloud computing 2247
system should be fixed by cloud provider or tenant of the
system. This model can be expanded by calculating different
risks in the same time and putting these numbers into a solu-
tion matrix. Using this method, we can calculate different
security measures that can mitigate the same type of risks.
In Hu et al. (2013), a cloud-oriented ADS-based authenti-
cation model for outsourcing data is analyzed and designed;
the data consistency evidence generation and verification
algorithms are extended. In Zissis and Lekkas (2012), the
necessity of certificates authenticated by PKI is demonstrated
to verify the validity of the interaction between infrastruc-
ture services, virtual servers, users and equipment in cloud
computing. The extension contains X.509 certificate with
user role information issued by the trust authority in Web
environment. In Zhao and Yue (2014), a Cloud Storage
Framework-Based Password Management (CSF-BPM) is
proposed to prevent the password leakage of iCloud users.
With the popularity of mobile Internet, mobile phone users
apply mobile cloud computing every day, but most users are
not good at managing their user names, passwords and iden-
tification numbers, which are easy to be stolen by attackers.
In order to enhance the security access control and facili-
tate mobile cloud users to be identified and authorized to
access multiple cloud services, an i dentification and man-
agement system (IDMs) from a third party is proposed in
Khalila et al. (2014). In the face of inadequate cloud data
security, cloud service abuses and malicious insider attacks,
a model is presented to identify different access control
requirements and control the access permissions in You-
nis et al. (2014). In Ruj et al. (2014), a distributed access
control system for cloud data protection is proposed, and
this system enables users to revoke and read the data. In
Wang et al. (2014), to ensure the security of uploading and
downloading media data in media cloud environment, digi-
tal watermarks are adopted to authenticate users and media
service providers. In Yang et al. (2013), a privacy protec-
tion framework for personal network information browsing is
proposed based on game theory. To overcome the limitations
of secure information sharing in dynamic and collaborative
environments, a framework for enforcing risk-based policies
was presented, which was based on an extension of XACML
(Santos et al. 2016). Because of the lack of efficiency in
user revocation, an efficient attribute-level user revocation
approach with less computation cost was designed in Li et al.
(2016). To fill the gap of an absence of fine-grained secure
access control model to protect privacy information from
unauthorized access, a reputation and mechanism design-
based trustworthy access control model was proposed to
provide secure and privacy-aware big data access control
and defend against the internal attacks in mobile cloud com-
puting (Lin et al. 2015). In Zhou et al. (2015), a patient
self-controllable multi-level privacy-preserving cooperative
authentication scheme (PSMPA) realizing three levels of
security and privacy requirement in distributed m-healthcare
cloud computing system is proposed by devising a new tech-
nique of attribute-based designated verifier signature.
Data protection for the outsourcing data center is also a
significant subject in the field of cloud computing. In Wang
et al. (2010, 2011), for the integrity of outsourcing data, an
efficient data integrity verification system is proposed based
on public key encryption. In Ma et al. (2014), for outsourcing
service network, DNSRadar is adopted to detect malicious
attacks through analyzing links in caches. Recently, a major
concern about outsourcing healthcare data is its associated
privacy issues; a privacy-preserving framework to transit
insensitive data to commercial public cloud and the rest to
trusted private cloud was proposed, which designed two pro-
tocols to provide personalized privacy protections and defend
against potential collusion between the public cloud service
provider and the data users (Wang et al. 2015).
The subject of wireless sensor networks has also been
through fast development in the field of sensor cloud comput-
ing. In Berg et al. (2009), the tracked vehicles are protected
from privacy leakage through certificate selection in vehicu-
lar communication networks. The mobility of vehicles has led
to a restriction for the number of certificates, so the solution to
this problem is to identify a vehicle with fewer certificates. In
Wasef et al. (2010), a distributed system is proposed to update
vehicle certificate in vehicular communication network. The
batch verification technique is used to cut the cost of certifi-
cate authentication. In Chen et al. (2011) and Zhang et al.
(2014), a game model is established for the trust relation-
ship in wireless sensor network, and a dynamic evolutionary
mechanism is presented between nodes in the wireless sen-
sor network to prove the stability of evolutionary trust. In
Liu et al. (2004), Pirzada and McDonald (2006), Li et al.
(2010) and Luo et al. (2009), a trust model is proposed for
MANETs network. To meet the diverse requirements of dif-
ferent users, fine-grained access control is essential; in Yeh
and Huang ( 2014), the proposed scheme mitigates the long
authentication delay of the centralized AAA architecture.
In the methods above, authentication and encryption
algorithms are provided for data protection in the cloud com-
puting center, but the issue of dynamic authentication for
cloud resource management is yet to be solved. Though the
randomness of certificate selection and fast authentication are
considered, the certificate disclosures and trust allocation are
not considered.
This paper studies the evolutionary trust establishment of
dynamic authentication based on the certificate game. The
utility of a trust decision is reflected through the certificate
game strategies and models between the cloud computing
data center outsourcing service provider and the mobile cloud
user. Then the incentives are introduced to motivate ser-
vice providers and users to present more certificates. The
introduction of certificate disclosure system, operation fac-