
0 下载量 77 浏览量 更新于2024-02-28 收藏 3.71MB DOC 举报
The design and implementation of the programming learning aid system based on Django are the main focus of this project. With a clear understanding that computer programming learning requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, the author conducted a survey among students majoring in computer-related fields at Guangdong East Software College. The survey revealed that the scattered distribution of students' code across course assignments, online judging platforms, and personal projects made it difficult for both students and teachers to assess the total amount of code produced. To address this issue, the author developed the Django-based programming learning aid online system named "JiMa". JiMa system primarily focuses on code quantity analysis, integrating functions such as homework management, indexing online judging platforms, learning communication, and shared resources. Through JiMa system, students and teachers can easily track students' practical achievements over the course of four years of undergraduate studies, access code quantity reports, monitor students' learning progress, and facilitate resource sharing, ultimately assisting in programming learning effectively. Keywords: Django, web system platform, code quantity analysis, monitoring learning progress, programming learning aid.