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Based on the document "Design of Sewage Treatment Control System Based on S7-200PLC", the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) is a popular method for treating wastewater in medium and small-scale facilities. The SBR process relies on a computer monitoring system controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The PLC is a versatile control device that integrates computer technology, automatic control technology, and communication technology. It has become a crucial and reliable tool in industrial control, offering strong functionality, high reliability, flexibility in programming, and adaptability to industrial environments. The S7-200PIC Control System designed for wastewater treatment using the SBR process provides hardware and software solutions to efficiently manage the treatment process. This system represents a modern approach to industrial control and highlights the importance of automation and technology in environmental management. Keywords: wastewater treatment, Sequencing Batch Reactor, hardware configuration, software design.
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