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th largely promotes social progress. Currently, "Internet +" is the main direction of economic development and is also a powerful driving force in the future. The development of the retail industry will be closely linked to the Internet. Enterprises that actively integrate the advantages of the Internet into retail operations will undoubtedly become the main force and leader in the development of the retail industry. This provides retail enterprises with opportunities for upgrading, but also brings a series of problems to cost management.
This article mainly discusses the basic meaning of value chain costs, and combines related theories and knowledge of cost management to analyze the differences and connections between the value chain costs of traditional retail and Internet retail. Taking the cost management of Suning Yunshang as the research object, this study uses the analysis and summary of its financial information to explore the cost management model of this new type of retail industry, which integrates online and offline, and to propose corresponding solutions and personal opinions on the existing problems and potential risks, in order to further promote the economic development of the retail industry in the "Internet +" era.
Keywords: Internet, value chain, retail industry, cost management.
2021-10-10 上传
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