
需积分: 50 28 下载量 37 浏览量 更新于2024-03-21 10 收藏 264KB DOCX 举报
merging agricultural development model that relies on advanced information technology to bring revolutionary changes to traditional agricultural production methods, effectively addressing a series of problems such as low efficiency and inadequate agricultural labor force in current agricultural production and product circulation processes in China. The intelligent agricultural temperature and humidity monitoring and alarm system mainly focuses on measuring, analyzing, and regulating physical elements such as air and soil humidity and temperature to achieve the optimal conditions for greenhouse crop growth. Researching intelligent agricultural temperature and humidity monitoring and alarm systems in China has its unique scientific research value and practicality. Therefore, based on the demand for smart agriculture, this topic sets up an intelligent agricultural temperature and humidity monitoring and alarm system based on Raspberry Pi and Internet of Things platform. Through Raspberry Pi Node-RED and temperature and humidity sensors, the system can monitor the temperature and humidity of the environment in real time, and set alarm values for temperature and humidity. When the temperature and humidity reach the set values, the corresponding alarm light will illuminate, and the current temperature and humidity information of the environment will be reported to the Internet of Things platform. Keywords: Smart Agriculture, Internet of Things, Raspberry Pi, Temperature and Humidity Sensor.
2024-03-31 上传
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