Unity 5跨平台游戏开发实战

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"Unity in Action" 是一本由Joseph Hocking编写的书籍,专注于Unity 5游戏引擎和使用C#进行跨平台游戏开发。 本书详细介绍了Unity引擎的强大功能和使用方法,是面向希望学习或提升Unity游戏开发技能的读者的一本实战指南。作者通过丰富的实例和清晰的解释,帮助读者理解如何利用Unity创建高质量的游戏。Unity是一款广泛应用于移动设备、桌面、Web和主机平台的游戏开发工具,其强大的3D和2D图形处理能力,以及对多种编程语言(如C#)的支持,使其成为游戏开发领域的首选平台。 在“Unity in Action”中,读者将学习到以下关键知识点: 1. **Unity界面和工作流程**:了解Unity编辑器的基本布局,包括项目窗口、层次结构、检视面板、时间线等,以及如何在这些工具之间导航以实现高效开发。 2. **C#编程基础**:掌握C#语言的关键概念,如变量、数据类型、控制流、函数和类,为编写游戏逻辑打下坚实基础。 3. **游戏对象和组件**:理解Unity中的游戏对象系统,如何使用各种组件(如Transform、Rigidbody、Collider)来构建游戏实体,并实现物理模拟、碰撞检测等效果。 4. **场景管理**:学习如何创建、保存和加载游戏场景,以及如何在不同场景间切换,实现游戏关卡设计。 5. **可视化脚本与Unity脚本API**:掌握Unity内置的可视化脚本工具(如UnityScript或Visual Scripting,现称为Unity's Bolt),以及如何使用C#脚本访问Unity的API,控制游戏行为。 6. **渲染与光照**:深入理解Unity的渲染机制,包括材质、纹理、着色器、光照和阴影,创建逼真的视觉体验。 7. **动画系统**:学习Unity的动画控制器和混合树,实现角色动画、物体动画和交互式动画效果。 8. **音频管理**:了解如何在Unity中播放和处理音频,创建沉浸式的声音环境。 9. **输入系统**:理解玩家输入的处理方式,如何响应键盘、鼠标、触摸屏等不同设备的输入。 10. **物理系统**:学习如何利用Unity的物理引擎创建动态交互的游戏世界,包括刚体、关节和碰撞检测。 11. **多平台发布**:了解如何将游戏部署到iOS、Android、Windows、Mac等不同平台,实现真正的跨平台开发。 12. **优化与性能**:探讨游戏性能优化技巧,如内存管理、代码效率、绘制调用优化等,确保游戏在各种设备上流畅运行。 13. **扩展和集成**:介绍Unity与其他工具和平台的集成,如Unity Asset Store资源库、Unity Analytics、Unity Ads等。 通过本书,读者不仅可以学习到Unity的基础知识,还能获得实践经验和高级技巧,从而具备独立开发复杂游戏项目的能力。无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益匪浅。
2019-07-19 上传
Unity in Action, Second Edition is a book about programming games in Unity. Think of it as an intro to Unity for experienced programmers. The goal of this book is straightfor- ward: to take people who have some programming experience but no experience with Unity and teach them how to develop a game using Unity. The best way of teaching development is through example projects, with students learning by doing, and that’s the approach this book takes. I’ll present topics as steps toward building sample games, and you’ll be encouraged to build these games in Unity while exploring the book. We’ll go through a selection of different projects every few chapters, rather than one monolithic project developed over the entire book. (Some- times other books take the “one monolithic project” approach, but that can make it hard to jump into the middle if the early chapters aren’t relevant to you.) This book will have more rigorous programming content than most Unity books (especially beginners’ books). Unity is often portrayed as a list of features with no pro- gramming required, which is a misleading view that won’t teach people what they need to know in order to produce commercial titles. If you don’t already know how to pro- gram a computer, I suggest going to a resource like Codecademy first (the computer programming lessons at Khan Academy work well, too) and then come back to this book after learning how to program. Don’t worry about the exact programming language; C# is used throughout this book, but skills from other languages will transfer quite well. Although the first part of the book will take its time introducing new concepts and will carefully and deliberately