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《Elasticsearch权威指南》由Clinton Gormley和Zachary Tong合著,是一本专为深入理解分布式实时搜索和分析引擎而设计的实用手册。该书在业内享有高度评价,被Ivan Brusic赞誉为"通过Elasticsearch理解搜索引擎的绝佳途径"。它不仅仅局限于介绍如何使用Elasticsearch,而是涵盖了广泛的主题,适合从零开始学习搜索和分布式系统的新手,以及希望提升高级技术技巧的资深用户。 书中深入探讨了Elasticsearch的功能,特别是其在全文本搜索、实时数据分析以及结构化数据处理方面的强大能力。读者将跟随问题导向的学习方法,理解何时何地以及如何有效地利用Elasticsearch,包括如何处理人类语言的复杂性、地理位置信息以及数据之间的关系。对于初次接触搜索和分布式系统的读者来说,这是一本快速入门的宝贵资源,它会指导他们如何将Elasticsearch无缝融入应用程序中。 此外,本书还包含了大量的实践案例和实例,帮助读者通过实际操作掌握各种技术和策略。无论你是寻求对Elasticsearch基础操作的掌握,还是寻求解决实际问题的专业洞察,这本书都能满足你的需求。定价方面,英文版的《Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide》定价为49.99美元,加拿大版则为57.99加元,显示了其作为业界权威参考书籍的价值。 《Elasticsearch权威指南》是一本全面且实用的工具书,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中收获丰富的知识和技能,助力他们在大数据处理和实时分析领域取得成功。通过阅读这本书,你将建立起对Elasticsearch强大功能的深入理解,并能够在实际项目中灵活运用,实现高效的数据管理和分析。
2017-02-07 上传
End-to-end Search and Analytics About This Book Solve your data analytics problems with the Elastic Stack Improve your user search experience with Elasticsearch and develop your own Elasticsearch plugins Design your index, configure it, and distribute it — you'll also learn how it works Who This Book Is For This course is for anyone who wants to build efficient search and analytics applications. Some development experience is expected. What You Will Learn Install and configure Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana Write CRUDE operations and other search functionalities using the Elasticsearch Python and Java Clients Build analytics using aggregations Set up and scale Elasticsearch clusters using best practices Master document relationships and geospatial data Build your own data pipeline using Elastic Stack Choose the appropriate amount of shards and replicas for your deployment Become familiar with the Elasticsearch APIs In Detail Elasticsearch is a modern, fast, distributed, scalable, fault tolerant, open source search and analytics engine. It provides a new level of control over how you can index and search even huge sets of data. This course will take you from the basics of Elasticsearch to using Elasticsearch in the Elastic Stack and in production. You'll start with the very basics: Elasticsearch terminology, installation, and configuring Elasticsearch. After this, you'll take a look at analytics and indexing, search, and querying. You'll learn how to create maps and visualizations. You'll also be briefed on cluster scaling, search and bulk operations, backups, and security. Then you'll be ready to get into Elasticsearch's internal functionalities including caches, Apache Lucene library, and its monitoring capabilities. You'll learn about the practical usage of Elasticsearch configuration parameters and how to use the monitoring API. You'll discover how to improve the user search experience, index distribution, segment statistics, merging, and more. Once you have mastered this, you'll dive into end-to-end visualize-analyze-log techniques with Elastic Stack (also known as the ELK stack). You'll explore Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana and see how to make them work together to build fresh insights and business metrics out of data. You'll be able to use Elasticsearch with other de facto components in order to get the most out of Elasticsearch. By the end of this course, you'll have developed a full-fledged data pipeline. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: Elasticsearch Essentials Mastering Elasticsearch, Second Edition Learning ELK Stack Style and approach This course aims to create a smooth learning path that will teach you how to effectively use Elasticsearch with other de facto components and get the most out of Elasticsearch. Through this comprehensive course, you'll learn the basics of Elasticsearch and progress to using Elasticsearch in the Elastic stack and in production. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Module 1 Chapter 2. Understanding Document Analysis and Creating Mappings Chapter 3. Putting Elasticsearch into Action Chapter 4. Aggregations for Analytics Chapter 5. Data Looks Better on Maps: Master Geo-Spatiality Chapter 6. Document Relationships in NoSQL World Chapter 7. Different Methods of Search and Bulk Operations Chapter 8. Controlling Relevancy Chapter 9. Cluster Scaling in Production Deployments Chapter 10. Backups and Security