et al.
Fig. 1. Illustration of the proposed CE-Net. Firstly, the images are fed into a feature encoder module, where the ResNet-34 block pretrained from
ImageNet is used to replace the original U-Net encoder block. The context extractor is proposed to generate more high-level semantic feature maps.
It contains a dense atrous convolution (DAC) block and a residual multi-kernel pooling (RMP) block. Finally, the extracted features are fed into the
feature decoder module. In this paper, we adopt a decoder block to enlarge the feature size, replacing the original up-sampling operation. T he
decoder block contains 1×1 convolution and 3×3 deconvolution operations. Based on skip connection and the decoder block, we obtain the mask
as the segmentation prediction map.
from spatial pyramid pooling [55]. The RMP block fur-
ther encodes the multi-scale context features of the object
extracted from the DAC module by employing various size
pooling operations, without the extra learning weights. In
summary, the DAC block is proposed to extract enriched
feature representations with multi-scale atrous convolutions,
followed by the RMP block for further context information
with multi-scale pooling operations. Integrating the newly
proposed DAC block and the RMP block with the backbone
encoder-decoder structure, we propose a novel context encoder
network named as CE-Net. It relies on the DAC block and the
RMP block to get more abstract features and preserve more
spatial information to boost the performance of medical image
The main contributions of this work are summarized as
1) We propose a DAC block and RMP block to capture
more high-level features and preserve more spatial infor-
2) We integrate the proposed DAC block and RMP block
with encoder-decoder structure for medical image seg-
3) We apply the proposed method in different tasks includ-
ing optic disc segmentation, retinal vessel detection,
lung segmentation, cell contour segmentation and retinal
OCT layer segmentation. Results show that the proposed
method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in these
different tasks.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section II introduces the proposed method in details.
Section III presents the experimental results and discussions.
In Section IV, we draw some conclusions.
The proposed CE-Net consists of three major parts: the
feature encoder module, the context extractor module, and the
feature decoder module, as shown in Fig. 1.
A. Feature Encoder Module
In U-Net architecture, each block of encoder contains two
convolution layers and one max pooling layer. In the proposed
method, we replace it with the pretrained ResNet-34 [53]
in the feature encoder module, which retains the first four
feature extracting blocks without the average pooling layer
and the fully connected layers. Compared with the original
block, ResNet adds shortcut mechanism to avoid the gradient
vanishing and accelerate the network convergence, as shown
in Fig. 1(b). For convenience, we use the modified U-net with
pretrained ResNet as backbone approach.
B. Conte xt Extractor Module
The context extractor module is a newly proposed module,
consisting of the DAC block and the RMP block. This module
extracts context semantic information and generates more
high-level feature maps.