Head First iPhone & iPad 开发实战指南(第3版)

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"Head First iPhone and iPad Development 3rd edition 是一本专为iOS开发入门者设计的权威指南,该书属于备受好评的Head First系列,其特色是以生动有趣的方式传授知识,而非传统的理论密集型教材。它并不试图在短短数百页内涵盖所有细节,而是专注于提供足够让你起步并激发深入学习兴趣的基础内容。 书中强调了实践导向的教学方法,适合那些初次接触iOS生态系统,希望构建应用程序的开发者。作者采用轻松、对话式的风格引导读者,从理念到实际应用,逐步教授关键概念,如Core Data(核心数据框架)和Localization(本地化)。这使得即使是具备编程基础的读者也能快速上手,体验到iOS应用开发的乐趣。 Rene Janssen, 一位多媒体设计师和Ducklord Studios的创始人,高度评价此书,认为它为iOS开发提供了一个良好的起点,并能让读者在初始章节就建立起坚实的基础。而来自西班牙Autonomade Madrid University的计算机科学工程师Roberto Luis也认可了该书,他认为这本书对于那些希望为iOS生态系统开发应用的人来说,无论是从构思阶段还是到最终发布的全程指导,都是不可或缺的资源。 Head First iPhone and iPad Development 3rd edition凭借其简洁易懂的步骤和幽默风趣的讲解,为iOS开发者提供了一条清晰的路径,无论你是初学者还是有一定经验的程序员,都能从中获益匪浅。"
2015-10-30 上传
A Learner’s Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone and iPad Book Description : Let’s say you have a killer app idea for iPhone and iPad. Where do you begin? Head First iPhone and iPad Development will help you get your first application up and running in no time. You’ll not only learn how to design for Apple’s devices, you’ll also master the iPhone SDK tools – including Xcode and Objective-C programming principles to make your app stand out. Whether you’re a seasoned Mac developer who wants to jump into the App store, or someone with strong object-oriented programming skills but no Mac experience, this book is a complete learning experience for creating eye-catching, top-selling iPhone and iPad applications. Install the iPhone OS SDK and get started using XCode Put Objective-C core concepts to work, including message passing, protocols, properties, and memory management Take advantage of iPhone OS patterns such as datasources and delegates Preview your applications in the Simulator Build more complicated interactions that utilize multiple views, data entry/editing, and rotation Work with the iPhone’s camera, GPS, and accelerometer Optimize, test, and distribute your application We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First iPhone and iPad Development has a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. eBook Details : Head First iPhone and iPad Development Written by: Dan Pilone, Tracey Pilone Published by: O'Reilly Media Date Published: 02/15/2014 Edition: 3rd Edition ISBN: 978-1-44931-657-0 Available in: EBook Pages: 368 Language: English File format: PDF 因为上传权限问题。压缩了下,压缩包60m