
需积分: 0 2 下载量 186 浏览量 更新于2023-12-25 收藏 1.1MB DOC 举报
The experiment aims to determine the saturated vapor pressure of pure water using the dynamic method. By measuring the boiling point of water at different pressures, the relationship between the saturated vapor pressure and temperature is established. The results show that the saturated vapor pressure of water decreases with decreasing temperature, and the natural logarithm of the pressure shows a linear relationship with the inverse of the temperature. This is in accordance with the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, from which the molar enthalpy of vaporization of water is calculated. The experiment provides valuable insight into the behavior of water at different temperatures and pressures, and the results contribute to a deeper understanding of the physical chemistry principles involved. This experiment is crucial for understanding the fundamental properties of water and its behavior in various conditions, which have widespread implications in fields such as environmental science, chemical engineering, and materials science. Furthermore, the accurate determination of the saturated vapor pressure of water is essential for various industrial and scientific applications. Overall, the experiment provides important data and insights into the behavior of water under different conditions, and the results contribute to the advancement of physical chemistry research and applications.
2023-03-10 上传
实验 2 实验报告 教学班级: 学生学号: 学生姓名: 实验日期: 实验机房: 助教老师: 一、实验目的 1. 掌握顺序结构的编程思路和方法; 2. 掌握格式输入输出和数据类型转换。 二、实验任务 给朋友打印生日卡,生日卡格式如下: ==================================== My dear Zhang, Happy birthday to you! yours, Li ==================================== 要求你的名字(必须是真实姓名)和你朋友的名字均由键盘输入,在输入名字时请给出提示信息。 已知赵六同学学号20110101111,他期末参加了高等数学、普通物理、大学英语三门课程期末考试。编程实现:键盘输入学生的学号、以及各科的成绩,计算平均成绩。输入输出格式参见下图。 要求: 学号作为一个整数而言,超出了int所定义的变量的存储范围,因此只能用double型变量来存储,但输出时要求看见的是整数形式的学号。 输出对齐,成绩保留2位小数。 实验2-实验报告全文共2页,当前为第1页。键盘输入一个小写字母,将其转换成大写字母,并输出它们的ASCII码值及其原字符。 实验2-实验报告全文共2页,当前为第1页。 计算万有引力。 由普通物理知, 两个质量分别为m1和m2的物体之间的万有引力F与两个物体质量的乘积成正比, 与两个物体质心之间的距离R的平方成反比: F=Gm1m2/R2 式中G为引力常数,如果F的单位为牛顿(N),质量的单位为千克(kg),物体质心的距离单位为米(m),则G 6.67259×10-11N m2/kg2,已知太阳的质量为1.987×1030千克,地球的质量为5.975×1024kg,太阳与地球的距离为1.495×1011m,请计算太阳与地球之间的万有引力。 加法器 键盘输入两个数,计算这两个数的和,并输出结果。 三、实验结果(源程序 + 注释) 实验2-实验报告全文共2页,当前为第2页。 实验2-实验报告全文共2页,当前为第2页。 实验2-实验报告