Electronic Design Engineering
第 27卷
第 8期
2019年 4月
Apr. 2019
收稿日期:2018-08-05 稿件编号:201808017
基金项目:2017 科技部创新方法工作专项(2017IM010700)
阻抗 发生 变化
,电 源会 偏离最佳的工作状态 。这
就要 求超声 波电 源具有 频率 跟踪 的能力 以适 应换
能器 负载 的动 态变 化,因此设计出性能稳定、控制
源 的 工 作 功 率 范 围 为 1 700~2 500 W,其 采 用 移 相
电流 频率跟 踪控 制电路 。文 中对超 声波 电源的 全
桥逆 变电 路、驱动电 路、频率 跟踪 电路及采样电压
设 计 ,用 Simulink 进行仿真,实现了功率与 频 率 可
基于单片机的移相 PWM 功率控制超声波电源的研究
(四川大学 制造科学与工程学院,四川 成都 610065)
电源的功率、频率可调且稳定。本文设计了相应电路,主要使用 STM32 产生的 PWM 信号输出高低
位电平,采用半桥驱动器 IR2110 驱动全桥工作,采用 PID 控制算法,通过调节移相角实现对输出
20 kHz,额定功率 1 800 W。实验测量换能器的电压约 1 000 V,电源的工作频率达到 19.77 kHz,功
率约 1 750 W,Simulink 仿真测得交流电压为 1 000 V 左右,电流约 3.5 A,频率为 20 kHz。仿真和实
关键词:超声波电源;PWM;PID 控制;功率调节
中图分类号:TN64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-6236(2019)08-0188-06
Research on phase⁃shifted PWM power control ultrasonic power supply based on
single chip microcomputer
SHENG Ming⁃wei,LI Xiang⁃long,LIU Yi⁃fan,ZHANG Zhi⁃bo
(School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China)
Abstract: Based on the functional requirements for the preparation of metal micro-nano hollow spheres
by electro- spark ultrasonic composite machining,the power and frequency of ultrasonic power supply
shall be adjustable and stable during the preparation process. In this paper,the corresponding circuit is
designed. The PWM signal generated by STM32 is mainly used to output the high and low level. The half-
bridge driver IR2110 is used to drive the whole bridge. The PID control algorithm is used to realize the
closed- loop control of the output power by adjusting the phase shift angle to achieve stable output of
power. It have been verified by experiments. The natural frequency of the transducer used is 20 kHz in
the experiment and the rated power is 1 800 W. The working frequency of the power supply is about 19.77
kHz and the power is about 1 750 W. The alternating voltage measured by Simulink simulation is about
1000 V,the current is about 3.5 A and the frequency is 20 kHz. The simulation and experimental results
show that the designed ultrasonic power supply can realize the power and frequency adjustable function.
Key words: ultrasonic power supply;pulse width modulation;PID control;power adjustment