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In the document "藏经阁-风起云涌,APM开启全新数字化体验时代.pdf," it discusses the CEO's top business priorities for 2017 and 2018. According to the survey conducted, growth is the top priority for CEOs at 58%, followed by IT-related issues at 31%, corporate matters at 23%, customer satisfaction at 21%, and product development at 20%. CEOs are focusing on growing their businesses and adapting to the digital age, with IT playing a crucial role in this transformation. Corporate strategies and customer experience are also key areas of focus for CEOs, as they aim to improve their products and services to meet the changing demands of the market. Financial management, workforce development, and cost control are also significant priorities for CEOs, as they seek to optimize their resources and drive profitability. Overall, CEOs are prioritizing growth and innovation in their organizations, with a strong emphasis on digital transformation and customer satisfaction. By addressing these strategic priorities, CEOs are preparing their businesses for success in the rapidly evolving digital landscape of the 21st century.