2011-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80000533G-page 5
Module Feature
Issue Summary
CPU div.sd 1. When using the div.sd instruction, the overflow bit is not getting set
when an overflow occurs.
CPU DO Loop 2. PSV access, including table reads or writes in the last instruction of a
DO loop is not allowed.
SPI Frame Sync Pulse 3. Frame Sync pulse is not generated in Master mode when FRMPOL
= 0.
SPI Frame Sync Pulse 4. When in SPI Slave mode, with the Frame Sync pulse set as an input,
FRMDLY must be set to ‘0’.
UART TX Interrupt 5. A Transmit (TX) interrupt may occur before the data transmission is
Power System Flash Regulator 6. The VREGSF (RCON<11>) bit always reads back as ‘0’.
ADC DONE bit 7. The ADC Conversion Status bit (DONE) does not work when an
external interrupt is selected as the ADC trigger source.
PTG Strobe Output 8. Strobe output pulse width is incorrectly dependent on the
PTGPWD<3:0> (PTGCON<7:4>) bit settings.
Op Amp Enabling Op Amp
9. When using any of these Op Amp modules, or Analog Channels
AN0, AN3 or AN6, to sample external signals, bit
11 of the CMxCON
register must be set to ‘1’.
Op Amp AC/DC Electrical
10. The AC/DC electrical characteristics for the Op Amp module (and
the related ADC specifications) are not within the specifications
published in the current data sheet.
PWM Dead-Time
11. Dead-Time Compensation is not enabled for Center-Aligned PWM
Flash Flash Programming 12. The stall mechanism may not function properly when erasing or
programming Flash memory.
QEI Index Counter 13. The QEI Index Counter does not count correctly in Quadrature
Detector mode.
QEI Modulo Mode 14. Modulo mode functionality is incorrect when the Count Polarity bit is
PWM Master Time Base
15. In Master Time Base mode, writing to the period register, and any
other timing parameter of the PWM module, will cause the update of
the other timing parameter to take effect one PWM cycle after the
period update is effective.
ADC 1.1 Msps Sampling 16. Selecting the same ANx input (AN0 or AN3) for CH0 and CH1 to
achieve a 1.1 Msps sampling rate results in erroneous readings for
ADC Channel Scan 17. Channel scanning is limited to AN0 through AN15.
Output Compare Interrupt 18. Under certain circumstances, an output compare match may cause
the Output Compare Interrupt Flag (OCxIF) bit to become set prior to
the Change-of-State (COS) of the OCx pin.
ECAN™ DMA 19. Write collisions on a DMA-enabled ECAN™ module do not generate
DMAC error traps.
PWM Immediate Update 20. Dead time is not asserted when PDCx is updated to cause an
immediate transition on the PWMxH and PWMxL outputs.
PWM Center-Aligned
21. PWMxH is asserted for 100% of the PWM period in Complementary
mode under certain circumstances.
PWM Complementary
22. With dead time greater than zero, 0% and 100% duty cycle cannot
be obtained on PWMxL and PWMxH outputs.
CPU Program Memory 23. Address error trap may occur while accessing certain program
memory locations.