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The "Table of Integrals, Series, and Products" is a comprehensive mathematical handbook that provides a thorough collection of formulas, functions, and notation for use in various mathematical calculations and analyses. This seventh edition includes a preface, acknowledgments, and an index of special functions, in addition to the content of the tables themselves.
The handbook begins with an introduction that covers finite sums, progressions, and sums of powers of natural numbers. It also includes a section on the use of the tables and a note on bibliographic references, providing guidance on how to effectively utilize the information provided.
The tables themselves cover a wide range of mathematical functions and formulas, including integrals, series, and products. The handbook is organized in a logical order to facilitate ease of use, with the order of presentation of the formulas carefully considered to provide a comprehensive resource for mathematicians, engineers, and other professionals who rely on mathematical analysis in their work.
The seventh edition of the "Table of Integrals, Series, and Products" is edited by I.S. Gradshteyn and I.M. Ryzhik, with Alan Jeffrey and Daniel Zwillinger serving as editors. Translated from Russian by Scripta Technica, Inc., the handbook is a valuable resource for anyone working in the fields of mathematics, engineering, and numerical analysis.
Overall, the "Table of Integrals, Series, and Products" is a comprehensive and indispensable resource for anyone working with mathematical functions and formulas. The seventh edition, in particular, provides a valuable update to this essential handbook, ensuring its continued relevance and importance in the field of mathematics and related disciplines.
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2019-07-23 上传
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