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《大数据技术原理与应用》是一门适合不同层次人群从入门到精通的全面教程,课程旨在构建起通向大数据知识体系的桥梁,帮助学生理解和掌握大数据的基本原理。该课程共分为四篇,即大数据基础篇、大数据存储篇、大数据处理与分析篇和大数据应用篇,涵盖了大数据的方方面面。 第一篇“大数据基础篇”从大数据时代背景出发,讨论了三次信息化浪潮中的重要角色——大数据,并介绍了大数据时代的概念、影响、应用以及关键技术。这一章详细探讨了大数据与云计算、物联网的紧密联系,强调了信息技术的进步如何推动了大数据时代的到来,如存储设备容量的快速增长和存储成本的降低。 第二篇“大数据存储篇”重点讲解了分布式文件系统HDFS,它是Hadoop生态系统的核心组成部分,用于存储大量数据。此外,还包括了分布式数据库HBase和NoSQL数据库的介绍,这些非关系型数据库在大数据场景下具有高效处理海量数据的能力。 第三篇“大数据处理与分析篇”则深入解析了分布式并行编程模型MapReduce,它是大数据处理的关键工具,以及流计算和图计算这两种新兴的数据处理方法。这些技术有助于在大规模数据集上进行高效的数据处理和分析。 最后一部分,“大数据应用篇”涵盖了大数据在互联网、生物医学和物流等实际领域的应用案例,让学生了解到大数据的实际价值和商业潜力。通过实践操作,学生能够更好地掌握这些关键技术,为他们在大数据领域的发展打下坚实的基础。 总结来说,《大数据技术原理与应用》是一门理论与实践相结合的课程,既注重基础知识的传授,又强调实际技能的培养,帮助读者全面理解并掌握大数据的各个方面,为其在大数据领域的职业发展指明了方向。
2018-01-11 上传
The professional's one-stop guide to this open-source, Java-based big data framework, Professional Hadoop is the complete reference and resource for experienced developers looking to employ Apache Hadoop in real-world settings. Written by an expert team of certified Hadoop developers, committers, and Summit speakers, this book details every key aspect of Hadoop technology to enable optimal processing of large data sets. Designed expressly for the professional developer, this book skips over the basics of database development to get you acquainted with the framework's processes and capabilities right away. The discussion covers each key Hadoop component individually, culminating in a sample application that brings all of the pieces together to illustrate the cooperation and interplay that make Hadoop a major big data solution. Coverage includes everything from storage and security to computing and user experience, with expert guidance on integrating other software and more., Hadoop is quickly reaching significant market usage, and more and more developers are being called upon to develop big data solutions using the Hadoop framework. This book covers the process from beginning to end, providing a crash course for professionals needing to learn and apply Hadoop quickly., Configure storage, UE, and in-memory computing Integrate Hadoop with other programs including Kafka and Storm Master the fundamentals of Apache Big Top and Ignite Build robust data security with expert tips and advice, Hadoop's popularity is largely due to its accessibility. Open-source and written in Java, the framework offers almost no barrier to entry for experienced database developers already familiar with the skills and requirements real-world programming entails. Professional Hadoop gives you the practical information and framework-specific skills you need quickly.