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"The research on traffic capacity and timing optimization of the intersection adjacent to container yard is an important and relevant study in the field of logistics engineering and management. In this thesis, the author, Han Fengru, under the guidance of Professor Zhang He, explores the impact of container yard proximity on traffic flow and proposes strategies for optimizing traffic capacity and timing at the intersection.
The abstract of the thesis emphasizes the significance of efficiently managing the flow of import and export containers to reduce congestion and improve prosperity. The study seeks to address the practical challenges and complexities associated with container yard adjacent intersections and presents solutions for optimizing traffic flow.
The author, Han Fengru, completed this thesis at Dalian Maritime University, under the supervision of Professor Zhang He, and successfully defended it in June 2013. The study contributes to the academic discourse on logistics engineering and management, providing valuable insights and recommendations for addressing the transportation challenges associated with container yard adjacent intersections.
Overall, the thesis demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the traffic capacity and timing optimization issues relevant to container yard adjacent intersections. The research offers practical implications for improving traffic flow efficiency and reducing congestion, ultimately contributing to the advancement of logistics engineering and management."
2022-08-03 上传
2022-08-03 上传
2022-08-04 上传
2022-08-03 上传
2022-08-03 上传
2022-08-03 上传
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