"大学生创新团队管理系统开发与实践:基于ssm mysql多平台技术研究"
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大学生作为社会向前发展的源动力,必须与知识经济时代发展要求相适应,具有较强的创新能力。而未来社会迫切需要的是具有创新创业能力的人才。高素质人才应具有独立生存的自信心、不断创新的进取心、广泛关怀的责任心;具有对环境的适应能力、对文化的整合能力、为理想而奋斗的实践能力。大学生应该通过坚持知识能力素质的辩证统一,突出创新能力的培养,努力提高实践能力,加强心理素质的锻炼促进独立创业思想的培养。因此,开发这款大学生创新团队管理系统是至关重要的。根据需求,确定系统采用 JSP 技术,JAVA 作为编程语言,MySQL 作为数据库。整个系统要操作方便、易于维护、灵活实用。主要实现了频道维护、资源维护、交流中心、日志维护、系统管理等功能。
College students as the source of social development must adapt to the requirements of the knowledge economy era and have strong innovation capabilities. The future society urgently needs talents with innovative and entrepreneurial abilities. High-quality talents should have the self-confidence to survive independently, the enterprising spirit of continuous innovation, the sense of responsibility for extensive care; and they should have the adaptability to the environment, the ability to integrate culture, and the practical ability to strive for ideals. College students should cultivate independent entrepreneurial thinking through persisting in the dialectical unity of knowledge and ability, highlighting the cultivation of innovation capabilities, striving to improve practical skills, and strengthening the training of psychological qualities. Therefore, it is crucial to develop this college student innovation team management system. According to the requirements, the system is determined to use JSP technology, JAVA as the programming language, and MySQL as the database. The entire system should be easy to operate, easy to maintain, and flexible and practical. It mainly implements functions such as channel maintenance, resource maintenance, communication center, log maintenance, and system management.
Keywords: College student innovation team management system; JSP; MYSQL
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