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Vision Development Module
Vision Development Module for LabVIEW,
LabWindows/CVI, and Measurement Studio
The National Instruments Vision Development Module is for
engineers and scientists who are developing machine vision and
scientific imaging applications. The module includes NI Vision
Assistant, an interactive environment for developers who need to
quickly prototype vision applications without programming, and
IMAQ Vision, a library of powerful functions for image processing.
NI Vision Assistant and IMAQ Vision work together to
simplify vision software development. NI Vision Assistant can
automatically generate a LabVIEW block diagram. You can run the
diagram generated by itself, or integrate it into your automation or
production test application, which may include motion control,
instrument control, or data acquisition. You can also take
advantage of embedded capabilities with LabVIEW Real-Time,
resulting in greater reliability, determinism, and ease of use. You
can find more information about the Vision Development Module
by visiting
Prototype Quickly with NI Vision Assistant
Building a vision application often involves time-consuming
experimentation. Some of the benefits of using NI Vision Assistant to
prototype your application before development include:
• Get ideas about how to solve your application using the
solution wizard
• Test different processing strategies
• Test a particular strategy on a variety of images
• Explore “what-if” conditions quickly and easily
• Immediately visualize the effects of changing an image processing
control parameter
• Benchmark your solution
• Develop a script that you can run in batch mode on hundreds
of images
Develop Your Vision Solution with IMAQ Vision
IMAQ Vision is a high-level programming library that includes an
extensive set of functions for machine vision and scientific imaging.
Here are some of the tasks you can perform with IMAQ Vision:
• Filter images to improve their quality before inspection
• Search grayscale and color images for instances of a
specified template
• Measure features of a part regardless of its image orientation
• Count, label, and measure objects in an image
• Overlay regions of interest, text, and bitmaps onto images
• Calibrate images to take accurate, real-world measurements
regardless of camera perspective or lens distortion
NI Vision Assistant
• Interactive vision prototyping
environment that generates
LabVIEW diagrams or builder
files for LabWindows/CVI and
Visual Basic code
• Offline inspection with automated
scripting and batch processing
• Image display with zooming,
panning, extracting, and scrolling
• Measurements such as distances,
areas, and locations returned
• Visual image management with
the image browser
• Performance benchmarking with
the performance meter
NI IMAQ Vision
• High-level machine vision and
image processing functions as well
as display tools
• Processing and analysis of grayscale,
color, and binary images
• High-speed pattern matching for
locating objects of various size and
orientation, even in poor lighting
• Particle analysis for calculating
more than 80 parameters, including
the area, perimeter, and location
of objects
• Image calibration for correcting lens
distortion and camera angle
• Compatible with LabVIEW Real-Time
Operating Systems
• Windows 2000/NT/XP
NI Vision Development Module