深入学习Android OpenGL ES编程

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"Apress.Pro.OpenGL.ES.for.Android.Feb.2012.pdf" 这本书是关于Android平台上的OpenGL ES编程的专业指南。OpenGL ES是一种针对嵌入式设备优化的图形库,广泛应用于移动设备和游戏开发,允许开发者创建复杂的3D图形和视觉效果。 在介绍部分,作者提到对1985年 Commodore Amiga 1000 的回忆,以此为背景引出计算机图形学的发展历程。这本书涵盖了从基础到高级的计算机图形学概念,旨在帮助读者理解和掌握OpenGL ES。 书中章节结构清晰,从计算机图形学的历史开始,逐步深入到数学基础、2D到3D的转换、光照处理、纹理映射、混合技术、渲染杂项、性能优化以及OpenGL ES 2.0的使用和着色器编程。这些章节的设置有助于读者循序渐进地学习OpenGL ES,并且通过实际案例将理论知识应用到实践中。 第1章《Computer Graphics: From Then to Now》介绍了计算机图形学的发展,包括早期的图形系统到现代图形处理器的进步。 第2章《All That Math Jazz》讲解了在图形编程中必要的数学知识,如向量和矩阵运算,这对于理解和操纵3D空间至关重要。 第3章《From 2D to 3D: Adding One Extra Dimension》指导读者如何将2D图形扩展到3D环境,这是3D图形的基础。 第4章《Turning on the Lights》涉及光照模型和光源管理,是创建逼真3D场景的关键。 第5章《Textures》讲述纹理贴图技术,用于增加图形的细节和真实感。 第6章《Will It Blend?》讨论了混合技术,这是实现透明和半透明效果的关键。 第7章《Well-Rendered Miscellany》涵盖了渲染过程中的一些其他重要主题,可能包括深度缓冲、裁剪和其他特效。 第8章《Putting It All Together》通过实例将前面章节的知识整合,展示了如何构建一个完整的3D应用程序。 第9章《Performance’n’Stuff》专注于性能优化,讲解如何最大化利用硬件资源,提高图形渲染速度。 第10章《OpenGLES2, Shaders, and…》介绍了OpenGL ES 2.0的新特性,尤其是着色器语言(GLSL),这是现代OpenGL ES编程的核心。 最后,索引部分方便读者查找特定主题或概念。 这本书是Android开发者深入学习和实践OpenGL ES的宝贵资源,无论你是初学者还是有一定经验的程序员,都能从中获益。通过学习,你可以掌握创建动态、交互式的3D图形应用所需的技能。
2017-11-22 上传
In Pro OpenGL ES for Android, you'll find out how to harness the full power of OpenGL ES, and design your own 3D applications by building a fully-functional 3D solar system model using Open GL ES! OpenGL has set the standard for 3D computer graphics, and is an essential aspect of Android development. This book offers everything you need to know, from basic mathematical concepts to advanced coding techniques. You'll learn by building a fascinating 3D solar system simulator! After introducing Open GL ES, Pro OpenGL ES for Android explains the basics of 3D math and then orients you to the native Android 3D libraries you'll be using in your own 3D games and the solar system project you'll build using this book. Through the solar system example project, you'll learn how to incorporate a variety of graphic and animation techniques into your applications. You will also discover how the full spectrum of 3D development that awaits, with topics such as lighting, texture-mapping, modeling, shaders, blending modes, and several more advanced concepts. By the time you finish Pro OpenGL ES for Android, you'll have learned all the skills you'll need to build your own incredible 3D applications, based on one of the most powerful 3D libraries available. What you'll learn * The basics of 3D mathematics, and how they are applied in the OpenGL library * How to design and build your 3D worlds * To create 2D interfaces within the 3D world * To develop animation and 3D movement * How to implement 3D shading, coloring, and texturing * The differences between OpenGL and other 3D toolkits * To build a fully-functional 3D solar system simulator using OpenGL ES Who this book is for Experienced Android programmers who want to enter the 3D world of OpenGL ES programming. Table of Contents * Introduction to OpenGL ES and Our 3D Solar System Project * Generating a Basic OpenGL Program * Getting Past the 3D Math * Shading, Lighting and Colors * Materials and Textures * Animation * Creating a User Interface * Blending Modes, Buffer Objects, and Other Cool Stuff * Latest Features of OpenGL ES * Ray Tracing, Hidden Surfaces, and Other Advanced Topics Appendix A: APIs
2017-08-23 上传
In Pro OpenGL ES for Android, you'll find out how to harness the full power of OpenGL ES, and design your own 3D applications by building a fully-functional 3D solar system model using Open GL ES! OpenGL has set the standard for 3D computer graphics, and is an essential aspect of Android development. This book offers everything you need to know, from basic mathematical concepts to advanced coding techniques. You'll learn by building a fascinating 3D solar system simulator! After introducing Open GL ES, Pro OpenGL ES for Android explains the basics of 3D math and then orients you to the native Android 3D libraries you'll be using in your own 3D games and the solar system project you'll build using this book. Through the solar system example project, you'll learn how to incorporate a variety of graphic and animation techniques into your applications. You will also discover how the full spectrum of 3D development that awaits, with topics such as lighting, texture-mapping, modeling, shaders, blending modes, and several more advanced concepts. By the time you finish Pro OpenGL ES for Android, you'll have learned all the skills you'll need to build your own incredible 3D applications, based on one of the most powerful 3D libraries available. What you'll learn * The basics of 3D mathematics, and how they are applied in the OpenGL library * How to design and build your 3D worlds * To create 2D interfaces within the 3D world * To develop animation and 3D movement * How to implement 3D shading, coloring, and texturing * The differences between OpenGL and other 3D toolkits * To build a fully-functional 3D solar system simulator using OpenGL ES Who this book is for Experienced Android programmers who want to enter the 3D world of OpenGL ES programming. Table of Contents * Introduction to OpenGL ES and Our 3D Solar System Project * Generating a Basic OpenGL Program * Getting Past the 3D Math * Shading, Lighting and Colors * Materials and Textures * Animation * Creating a User Interface * Blending Modes, Buffer Objects, and Other Cool Stuff * Latest Features of OpenGL ES * Ray Tracing, Hidden Surfaces, and Other Advanced Topics Appendix A: APIs