
需积分: 0 1 下载量 42 浏览量 更新于2024-01-26 收藏 1.37MB DOC 举报
With the development of science and technology, the twenty-first century has entered an era of digitalization, networking, and information, with the network at its core. Chinese internet users have fully appreciated the freedom brought by "traveling the world without limits". In this context, the Android Family Financial Management System is a network application software based on Android phones, aimed at facilitating users to directly manage their finances. This research primarily discusses the basic functions of the family financial management system and the design methods of the database. The design ultimately achieves features including adding expenses, adding income, adding advances, business statistics charts, login, backend management function modules, and update management function modules. The development was achieved using Java and MySql database. This paper includes an abstract, background and significance, thesis structure arrangement, development technology introduction, requirement analysis, feasibility analysis, functional analysis, business process analysis, database design, ER diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, detailed design, system screenshots, testing, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references.