Fast-forming focused spots through a multimode fiber
based on an adaptive parallel coordinate algorithm
Zhe Yin (尹 哲), Guodong Liu (刘国栋), Fengdong Chen (陈凤东),
and Bingguo Liu (刘炳国)*
Instrument Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
*Corresponding author: Liu_bingguo@hit.edu.cn
Received March 20, 2015; accepted April 29, 2015; posted online June 15, 2015
We propose an adaptive parallel coordinate (APC) algorithm for quickly forming a series of focused spots at a
multimode fiber (MMF) output by controlling the MMF input field with a spatial light modulator (SLM). Only
passing over the SLM once, we can obtain SLM reflectance to form focused spots on different positions. Com-
pared with the transmission matrix method, our APC does not require iterations and massive calculations. The
APC does not require as much access device time as the adaptive sequential coordinate ascent (SCA) algorithm.
The experiment results demonstrate that the time taken to form 100 spots with our APC is 1/54th the time with
the SCA.
OCIS codes: 140.3510, 060.2350, 110.2350, 180.5810.
doi: 10.3788/COL201513.071404.
In recent years, the methods of shaping
and imaging
for light transmission through turbid media have been of
widespread interest. Applying the shaping and imaging
theories of turbid media to a multimode fiber (MMF)
has promoted the development of MMF imaging methods.
This line of research is of great significance to realize a
single-fiber scanning microscope
, satisfying the re-
quirements of being fiber-based
and of miniaturization
for modern microscopy. There are several methods
concern using a spatial light modulator (SLM) to form
scanning focused spots on an arbitrary position at the
MMF output. The first method is to measure the trans-
mission matrix
between the SLM sub-region complex
reflectance and the MMF output field to form a desired
intensity distribution at the MMF output. However,
the transmission matrix method adopts Gerchberg–Sax-
ton and Yang–Gu algorithms which need many iterations
and a large number of computations. The second method
is digital phase conjugation technology to form scanning
focused spots at the MMF output
. In order to form
focused spots on different positions, a mechanical calibra-
tion objective lens must be moved. The third method is the
objective function method
which does not need the
information of the transmission matrix. The objective
function is maximized or minimized by an optimization
algorithm to obtain an SLM pattern. The third method
with the relatively simple calculation has become a popu-
lar research topic in this field
Mahalati proposed the adaptive sequential coordinate
ascent (SCA) algorithm
, which forms one focused spot
with a global optimum solution after passing over the
SLM once and is faster than genetic algorithms. In order
to form focused spots, it requires passing over the SLM the
same number of times as the number of focused spots.
The MMF output field is greatly affected by fiber defor-
. The formation time of a focused spot should be
minimized to maintain the stability of the MMF propaga-
tion. We propose an adaptive parallel coordinate (APC)
algorithm, establish the experimental setup, analyze the
relationship between the input and outp ut light field of
the system, and derive the phase relations between the
objective function and the SLM reflectance.
The experimental geometry is shown in Fig.
1. Linearly
polarized light from a He–Ne laser is collimated and ex-
panded to form parallel light by lenses L
and L
. The
polarization direction of the beam is adjusted by a λ∕ 2
wave plate and the polarizer is consiste nt with the direc-
tion of the SLM optical axis. The light passes through a
nonpolarizing beam splitter (NPBS) and is incident on the
SLM. Loading the blaze grating phase on the SLM, the
Fig. 1. Experimental geometry for our APC algorithm.
COL 13(7), 071404(2015) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS July 10, 2015
1671-7694/2015/071404(5) 071404-1 © 2015 Chinese Optics Letters