
The design and configuration of relay protection in power systems directly affect the safe operation of the system. It is essential to carefully select protection settings and configurations to ensure the system's safe operation. In this project, relay protection and automatic devices are to be installed for a 550MW generator-transformer unit to deepen understanding of the subject matter and explore the coordination between different protection devices.
The design process involves selecting appropriate current and voltage transformer ratios based on the nameplates of the generator and transformer. Following this, protective devices and automatic devices are configured for the generator-transformer unit, and the type and settings of protective devices are determined. Short-circuit current calculations are performed to establish the settings required for the protective devices.
The design and configuration of relay protection in power systems is crucial for ensuring the system's safe operation. Improper design and configuration can lead to protection devices failing to operate correctly, potentially causing widespread outages, accidents, and significant economic losses. Therefore, the careful selection of protection settings and configurations is of utmost importance for the reliable operation of power systems.
This project aims to design relay protection and automatic devices for a 550MW generator-transformer unit to deepen the understanding of relevant concepts and explore the coordination between different protection devices. The selection of protection settings and configurations is based on the nameplates of the generator and transformer, with calculations performed to determine the settings required for the protective devices.
Keywords: generator-transformer unit, setting calculation, automation devices, relay protection.

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