"Canon iR-ADV 3330 UFR Ⅱ 打印机驱动安装步骤详解"

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Canon iR-ADV 3330 UFR Ⅱ printer driver installation is a simple and straightforward process. Below are the steps to successfully install the printer driver. Step 1: Download the Driver Program First, navigate to the download address: https://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/2/0100009562/01/UFRIILT_Driver_V3030_W64_ZH_10.exe and download the driver program. Step 2: Unpack the Driver Program Package Once the driver program is downloaded, run the installation program. This will generate a folder with the same name in the current directory. Step 3: Install the Print Driver Open the folder where the driver program is located and run the installation program. In the installation process, choose to agree with the license agreement and select the connection method between the terminal and the printer. It is recommended to choose the "custom" option for a more personalized setup. Once the selection is complete, click on "Next". Step 4: Select Printer Model Once the connection method is chosen, proceed to select the corresponding printer model. In this case, choose "Canon iR-ADV C3325/3330 UFR II" and click on "Next" to proceed to the next page. Step 5: Modify Port Prompt On the next page, modify the content under the "Port (P):" menu to "PORTPROMPT:" and select "Add Port (T)". Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation process. Once the installation is complete, the Canon iR-ADV 3330 UFR Ⅱ printer driver will be successfully installed and ready for use.