"2020春-lecture81: 计算机体系结构第八讲的内容总结"

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In the spring of 2020, lecture 81 of the computer architecture course at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics focused on the fourth chapter, specifically sections 4.9-4.11. The lecture also included additional selected reading, such as "The Microarchitecture of Superscalar Processors" by Smith and Sohi. The topic of the lecture was precise exceptions and dynamic scheduling in pipelining. The instructor, Lu Zhongzhi from the School of Computer Science and the Sino-German Joint Software Institute, reminded students of pending assignments. Assignment 3 was due that day, while Assignment 4 would be released later that evening with a deadline of May 8th. Additionally, experiments 2-5 were scheduled to be released around May 8th with a deadline of July 10th. Supplementary reading material for the lecture included works by Patterson, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The course aimed to provide students with a deep knowledge of computer architecture, including the intricacies of pipelining and the microarchitecture of superscalar processors. Overall, the lecture offered students a thorough examination of the essential concepts in computer architecture, ensuring they were well-prepared to apply their knowledge in practical settings. With a focus on precise exceptions and dynamic scheduling in pipelining, students were equipped with the necessary skills and information to excel in the field of computer architecture. The various assignments and reading materials provided a well-rounded education, giving students a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.