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The emergence of voice integrated circuits has revolutionized traditional voice recording equipment in recent years, making them increasingly popular and rapidly developing. Compared to traditional recording methods, voice integrated circuits require very few electronic devices to achieve recording and playback functions, and they have the ability to permanently store data. Voice integrated circuits have already been widely used in foreign countries, and the peak of their application in China is gradually forming. In our daily lives, voice storage and playback technology has been widely applied in products such as bus stop annunciators, interview pens, MP3 players, and telephone voice automatic transfer recorders, making products more powerful and gradually phasing out the traditional method of magnetic tape recording. This has made life more convenient for people and has helped to drive social progress.
This thesis is based on the AT89S52 microcontroller and the ISD4004 voice recording and playback chip as the main components, and through the design of hardware and software, aims to implement the function of voice recording and playback. The system's hardware circuit design is simple, easy to debug, inexpensive, and practical.
Keywords: voice recording and playback system; AT89S52 microcontroller; ISD4004.
2021-10-10 上传
2021-09-27 上传
2021-10-08 上传
2022-11-29 上传

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