Electronic Design Engineering
第 26卷
第 10期
2018年 5月
May. 2018
收稿日期:2017-09-07 稿件编号:201709044
部分地区地域广阔,个别10 kV分支线路已超过100 km,
解,部分用户电压仅有标准电压的 70%。
张富裕,秦 榛
(国网赤峰供电公司 内蒙古 赤峰 024000)
摘要:为了解决地理位置偏远地区 10 kV 配电网线路末端电压偏低,严重影响供电电压质量水平,
导致电力设备运行效率下降,发电成本上升的问题。文中对 10 kV 线路末端低电压原因进行分析,
并对目前针对 10 kV 线路末端低电压的解决方法进行对比,提出了采用单相有载调压器来解决 10 kV
器的故障率,同时增强了调压精度。最后,对赤峰地区 10 kV 线路安装调压器进行试验。安装调压
器后,可实现将线路末端电压从 8.5 kV 提升至 10.5 kV,低压侧电压范围控制在 190~220 V 之间,有
效解决了低电压的问题。此外,降低线路损耗 13.545 万 kWh,每年节省 10.836 万元。
关键词:单相有载调压;电压调节器;单片机;步进电机;10 kV 配电网线路
中图分类号:TM721 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-6236(2018)10-0189-05
Research on low voltage control method of distribution network based on single
phase on⁃load voltage regulator
ZHANG Fu⁃yu,QIN Zhen
(Chifeng Power Supply Company of State Power Grid,Chifeng 024000,China)
Abstract: In order to solve the problem that the voltage at the end of the 10kV distribution network in
remote locations is low,which seriously affects the quality level of the power supply voltage,resulting in
the decrease of the operating efficiency of the power equipment and the increase of the cost of power
generation,this paper analyzes the causes of the low voltage at the end of the 10kV line and compare the
current solution to the low voltage at the end of the 10kV line. The single-phase on-load voltage regulator
was used to solve the problem of the low voltage at the end of the 10kV line. The single chip
microcomputer was used to control the tap switch access of the voltage regulator through a stepper motor,
reducing the failure rate regulator,while enhancing the voltage regulator accuracy. Finally,this paper
tests the installation of voltage regulator on 10kV line in Chifeng district. After the voltage regulator is
installed,the terminal voltage of the line can be increased from 8.5 kV to 10.5 kV,and the voltage range
of the low voltage side is controlled between 190 V and 220 V,which effectively solves the problem of
low voltage. Reduce the line loss of 135,450 kWh,saving 108,360 yuan a year.
Key words: single ⁃ phase on ⁃ load voltage regulator;voltage regulator;SCM;stepper motor;10 kV
distribution network lines