
需积分: 0 0 下载量 140 浏览量 更新于2024-01-25 收藏 851KB DOC 举报
Based on the document "Family Financial Management System Source Code Database Thesis.doc," this paper discusses the development of a comprehensive family financial management system using JSP technology and MySQL database. The importance of rational financial planning within households has become increasingly recognized, as families seek to optimize their financial resources and investments. The system is designed to provide a user-friendly platform for families to track and manage their daily expenses, income, and financial statistics. Key features include the use of MyEclipse 8.6 as the development platform, JSP as the front-end language, and MySQL as the backend database. The system operates on a B/S model and aims to streamline financial information management, enhance operational efficiency, and provide practical tools for financial decision-making. With a focus on usability and functionality, the system is intended to meet the diverse needs of households engaging in financial management. Overall, this paper provides an overview of the design and development process of the family financial management system, highlighting its relevance in the context of modern financial management practices. Keywords: Family finance, JSP, JavaBean.