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ld of automotive technology. The active suspension with efficient control strategy plays a significant role in improving the safety and comfort of vehicle driving. Therefore, the research on active suspension control strategies is an important topic in the automotive field today.
This paper analyzes the dynamic characteristics of the selected suspension model and simulates the road excitation. Based on this, different control strategies including passive suspension, optimal control active suspension, fuzzy control active suspension, and composite control active suspension are built in the Matlab-Simulink environment. Finally, a composite control active suspension model is constructed.
Through simulation analysis of the above models, the feasibility of each control method is explored. The results show that the dynamic characteristics of the selected model meet the frequency requirements. Under the same road excitation, compared to the passive suspension, the optimal control active suspension reduces the dynamic deflection by 20%; the fuzzy control active suspension reduces the vehicle body acceleration by 33.13%; and the composite control reduces the above two indicators by 33.3% and 42.75%, demonstrating the effectiveness of the control strategies.
Keywords: active suspension, control strategy, optimal control, fuzzy control, simulation
1164 浏览量
2023-11-01 上传
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2023-10-29 上传
2023-10-29 上传
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