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Qt事件处理及实例是一篇关于Qt框架中关键概念和技术的深入教程,特别关注于Qt5版本的事件驱动机制及其在实际项目中的应用。Qt是一个广泛使用的跨平台应用程序开发框架,它的核心在于事件驱动模型,使得用户界面能够响应用户的操作并作出相应的反馈。 在本章节中,主要介绍了以下几个关键内容: 1. **鼠标事件**:Qt中的鼠标事件主要包括`mousePressEvent`(鼠标按下事件)、`mouseMoveEvent`(鼠标移动事件)、`mouseReleaseEvent`(鼠标释放事件)以及`mouseDoubleClickEvent`(双击事件)。在代码示例中,开发者重写了`MouseEvent`类的这些方法,以便在相应事件触发时执行特定的操作。例如,创建`mousePressEvent`方法可以捕捉到鼠标按下并记录当前位置,这在图形用户界面中非常常见,用于响应按钮点击等交互。 2. **实例演示**:为了说明这些概念,提供了一个简单的例子,展示了如何创建一个窗口并在其中放置两个 QLabel 对象。当鼠标在窗口上移动时,会更新鼠标当前位置的显示,鼠标按下时则触发特定的操作。通过这个实例,学习者可以理解如何在Qt中连接事件处理器与用户界面元素,实现直观的用户交互。 3. **事件过滤**:尽管没有直接在描述中提及,但Qt的事件过滤机制允许开发者控制事件的传播过程。这可以通过`QObject::installEventFilter()`函数来实现,可以用来阻止或改变某些特定类型的事件传递给其他对象,这对于复杂的应用场景和定制化行为非常重要。 4. **源代码细节**:源代码中展示了如何实例化`MouseEvent`窗口,设置窗口标题,以及创建用于显示鼠标位置的 QLabel 对象。这些细节展示了实际编码过程中如何将理论知识应用到实践中,包括窗口布局、控件初始化和事件处理逻辑的编写。 本文档是Qt事件处理的入门指南,适合希望深入理解并运用Qt进行用户界面开发的程序员,无论是初学者还是进阶开发者,都能从中受益。通过理解和实践这些实例,开发者可以掌握如何在Qt环境中构建响应式和高效的交互界面。
2017-08-25 上传
This directory contains the Qt3D project for Qt5: * Qt3D QML bindings and * Qt3D C++ APIs Building Qt3D ================== Qt5 is a rapidly changing bleeding edge environment. This branch is our initial support for it and thus is also rapidly changing and bleeding edge. This branch is experimental, and unsupported. This information is provided for advanced use only. No guarantees about API stability or even if this works at all are supplied, use at your own risk. First fetch the Qt5 source tree and Qt3D master branch: cd ~/depot git clone ssh://codereview.qt-project.org:29418/qt/qt5.git cd qt5 ./init-repository --codereview-username \ --module-subset=qtbase,qtsvg,qtdeclarative,qttools,qtxmlpatterns,qtdoc,qlalr,qtrepotools,qtqa,qtlocation,qt3d git submodule foreach "git fetch gerrit && git reset --hard gerrit/master" cd qt3d scp -p -P 29418 codereview.qt-project.org:hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/ git fetch gerrit git checkout --track -b master gerrit/master If you are reading this file then somehow you probably already got this far anyway. Now build Qt5, which will also build Qt3D as a module: cd ~/build mkdir qt5 cd qt5 ~/depot/qt5/configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -no-webkit -no-phonon -nomake tests \ -nomake examples -declarative -opengl -svg && make -j 4 What's in Qt3D ================== Directory structure: src/threed/ This is the main library of the Qt3D project, containing abstractions for cross-platform GL, shaders, lighting models, and so on. src/plugins/ Scene format loading plugins. src/imports/ QML import plugins. util/ Various utilities that are useful when working with Qt3D. examples/ Some examples of using Qt3D QML bindings and Qt3D C++ API. demos/ Some more complex demos of using Qt3D QML bindings and Qt3D C++ API. tests/auto/qml3d/ Unit tests for the QML bindings. tests/auto/threed/ Unit tests for the C++ API doc/ Documentation. devices/symbian/ Symbian deployment file Documentation ============= The documentation can be generated with "make docs". It will be placed into "doc/html" in the build directory. Packages ======== This section is only for those developing Qt3D. Read on to discover how the building of packages works. This section is also important if you want to change how the structure of the Qt3D pro files work. To build Qt3D, run: qmake && make The .pro files will cause the toolchain to place the libraries, QML files and meshes of Qt3D directly into place, as part of the compile process. The files go into the bin/ directory, and the executables can be run directly from there. If you are doing a developer build, plugins will be installed in such a way that Qt will find them. After building the tree the install step is invoked using the INSTALL_ROOT environment export to cause the installation rules to place all the files into a sandboxed install tree, ready for packaging: INSTALL_ROOT=tmp make install Examples ======== Some examples require assimp library to parse the content. Go to http://assimp.sourceforge.net/ and build and install the assimp library. Then configure Qt3D to include assimp and run qmake && make.