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ck to view their own home application inquiry situation. Through the development and implementation of the domestic website, the website helps users to more conveniently search for domestic information online. In this stage, the functions of each module are detailed designed and the functional module diagram of the system is formed. On this basis, a suitable development mode is selected. The design of the database starts with the conceptual structure design, followed by the logical structure design, and finally completes the design of the database table. In the entire design process, the front-end and back-end of the domestic website are implemented to read and enter information separately. Based on the analysis and design of the previous stages, this system adopts the B/S mode in design, using JSP technology for basic page design and function implementation, and using myeclipse as the development platform. The backend database selected for this system is SQL Server 2008. The design and implementation of this system provides a foundation for the operation of the online domestic website and provides a good condition for the online domestic website. Keywords: domestic website; structured analysis; JSP