Evolution of terahertz waves in air plasma driven by
orthogonally polarized two-color pulses
Ya Bai (白 亚)
, Jie Tang (唐 杰)
, Rongjie Xu (许荣杰)
, and Peng Liu (刘 鹏)
State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
IFSA Collaborative Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
*Corresponding author: peng@siom.ac.cn
Received February 22, 2016; accepted June 24, 2016; posted online July 15, 2016
We experimentally investigate the evolution of the terahertz (THz) waveform and polarization state inside the
plasma filament produced by orthogonally polarized two-color pulses. We find that the variation of the THz
polarization state along the plasma column is dominantly caused by the relative phase difference and spectra
blue shift of the two-color field. Elliptically polarized THz radiation is generated by controlling the initial relative
phase and the filament length. The result indicates the coherent control of the polarization state of the THz
OCIS codes: 040.2235, 260.5210, 320.7110, 350.5400.
doi: 10.3788/COL201614.093201.
Intense femtosecond laser pulses undergo filamentation in
ambient air, and the induced plasma becomes a unique
source of intense broadband terahertz (THz) radiation
when driven by the two-color [fundamental (ω) and second
harmonic (2ω)] laser pulses
. The polarization state
of the THz radiation, namely the ellipticity and polariza-
tion direction, attracts much attention since it provides
insights on the mechanism of THz generation in laser fila-
, and it offers a remotely controllable THz
waves that can be applied in the imaging
, spectros-
, dichroism
, and polarimetry
in the THz range.
In order to generate the elliptically polarized THz
field, the two orthogonal components of the THz waves
need to have comparable amplitudes and adjustable phase
differences. In previous studies it has been shown that the
THz polarization rotates following the phase difference of
the two-color pulses, which is due to the tailored laser
fields that can manipulate the electron trajectories that
determine the emission of THz polarization
. On the
other hand, the ellipticity of the THz emission could not
be controlled completely by the means of all-optical laser
fields. Recently, You et al. has shown that an elliptically
polarized THz wave is produced in the far field through
the generation of rotating local THz waves and the phase
retardance due to the velocity mismatch between the op-
tical pump and THz emission in the generation process
However, the polarization of the THz waves in most ex-
periments is slightly elliptically polarized even when the
driving pulses are circularly polarized
. The investigation
of the THz waves’ evolution within the filament is there-
fore necessary to reveal the mechanism of the generated
THz ellipticity.
In this Letter, we measured the evolution of THz wave-
forms and polarization states within the air plasma when
the two-color pulses are orthogonally polarized. As the
effective length of the air plasma adjusted, the far-field
THz wave varies accordingly. Although the polarization
state of the THz waves is mainly linearly polarized and
parallel to the polarization of the 2ω pulse at the position
where the THz fields experience polarity inversion, the
THz waves with large ellipticities are observed as a con-
sequence, while the filament length is short enough to
neglect the velocity mismatch effect between the optical
pump and the THz emission. Our analysis indicates that
the varying phase and spectra blue shift of the propagat-
ing two-color pulses can not only produce the rotating
local THz waves, but also induce a phase difference
between the orthogonal polarization components. This
provides a way to manipulate the ellipticity of THz emis-
sions by controlling the initial phase difference of the laser
fields and the effective plasma length.
Experiments were carried out using a Ti:sapphire am-
plifier laser system which produces pulses with the dura-
tion of 40 fs in full width at half-maximum (FWMH),
6.5 mJ per pulse, a center wavelength of 800 nm with a
1 kHz repetition rate. The laser pulse was split into a
pump pulse and a weak probe pulse to generate and detect
the THz emission, respectively. The 2ω pulse was gener-
ated by passing the ω pulse through a type-I BBO crystal
with a 200 μm thickness, as shown in Fig.
1(a). An inline
phase compensator composed of a 4 mm-thick calcite and
a pair of fused silica wedges were employed to fine tune the
phase delay between the ω and 2ω pulses. Both of the ω
and 2ω pulses are linearly polarized with orthogonal polar-
izations, and the ellipticity is around 1/240 in terms of
pulse energy. Here we define the polarization direction of
the ω(2ω) pulse as the x(y) axis, representing pðs Þ polari-
zation. The combined ω and 2ω pulse were focused in air
by a plano-convex lens f ¼ 300 mm, with the pulse energy
of 650 and 100 μJ for the ω and 2ω pulses, respectively. A
plasma column of about 14 mm in length was created at
the focal region.
COL 14(9), 093201(2016) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS September 10, 2016
1671-7694/2016/093201(5) 093201-1 © 2016 Chinese Optics Letters