使用Spring Boot实践微服务:RabbitMQ, Eureka, Ribbon, Zuul和Cucumber

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“Learn Microservices with Spring Boot”是一本关于使用Spring Boot构建微服务架构的实践指南。本书由Moises Macero撰写,专注于通过实际案例教授如何将单一应用演变为由多个事件驱动的服务组成的应用系统。书中涵盖了微服务架构、测试驱动开发(TDD)、服务发现(如Eureka)、客户端负载均衡(如Ribbon)、API网关(如Zuul)以及端到端测试工具Cucumber的使用。 在Spring Boot框架下,微服务架构允许开发者将大型单体应用拆分为一组小而独立的服务,每个服务都负责特定业务功能。Spring Boot简化了这个过程,提供了一种快速启动和运行服务的方式,并且集成了许多常用组件,如Spring Cloud,用于实现分布式系统的功能。 书中提到的RabbitMQ是一种流行的开源消息代理,常用于实现服务间的异步通信。通过使用消息队列,微服务可以解耦,提高系统的可扩展性和容错性。Eureka是Netflix提供的服务发现组件,使得服务能够动态地注册和发现彼此,从而实现服务之间的互相调用。 Ribbon是Netflix的客户端负载均衡器,它可以在微服务架构中自动分配请求到不同的服务实例,提高系统的可用性和性能。Zuul是另一个Netflix组件,作为API网关,它处理所有入站和出站的请求,提供了路由、过滤和安全等功能,是微服务架构中的重要组成部分。 Cucumber则是一种BDD(行为驱动开发)工具,用于编写和执行端到端的测试场景,确保服务按照预期工作并能与用户交互。通过使用Cucumber,开发者可以编写易于理解的自然语言测试,增强团队沟通并提高测试覆盖率。 本书采用务实的方法,从最小可行产品(MVP)开始,逐步引导读者了解微服务架构的优点,并保持系统灵活以适应未来的发展。作者Moises Macero强调实践而非理论,确保读者能够专注于关键技术和实践操作。 总结起来,"Learn Microservices with Spring Boot" 是一本深入实践的教程,适合想要学习如何利用Spring Boot和相关技术构建微服务的开发者。通过这本书,读者将获得关于微服务设计、服务发现、负载均衡、API管理和端到端测试的全面知识,提升其在分布式系统开发中的技能。
2017-12-11 上传
Book Description Build a microservices architecture with Spring Boot, by evolving an application from a small monolith to an event-driven architecture composed of several services. This book follows an incremental approach to teach microservice structure, test-driven development, Eureka, Ribbon, Zuul, and end-to-end tests with Cucumber. Author Moises Macero follows a very pragmatic approach to explain the benefits of using this type of software architecture, instead of keeping you distracted with theoretical concepts. He covers some of the state-of-the-art techniques in computer programming, from a practical point of view. You'll focus on what's important, starting with the minimum viable product but keeping the flexibility to evolve it. What You'll Learn Build microservices with Spring Boot Use event-driven architecture and messaging with RabbitMQ Create RESTful services with Spring Master service discovery with Eureka and load balancing with Ribbon Route requests with Zuul as your API gateway Write end-to-end rest tests for an event-driven architecture using Cucumber Carry out continuous integration and deployment Who This Book Is For Those with at least some prior experience with Java programming. Some prior exposure to Spring Boot recommended but not required. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: The Basic Spring Boot Application Chapter 3: A Real Three-Tier Spring Boot Application Chapter 4: Starting with Microservices Chapter 5: The Microservices Journey Through Tools Chapter 6: Testing the Distributed System Appendix A: Upgrading to Spring Boot 2.0