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Lustre是一种高性能的Linux集群并行文件系统,由HP、Intel和ClusterFileSystem公司与美国能源部合作开发,起源于卡耐基梅隆大学的NASD项目。自2003年推出1.0版以来,Lustre已经发展到1.4.7版本,被广泛应用于高性能计算环境,如DOE的多个实验室以及IBM的Blue Gene系统。HPSFS(HP的可扩展文件共享)是Lustre技术的首个商业产品,标志着Lustre在商业领域的应用逐渐扩大。 Lustre的核心特性在于其透明的全局文件系统设计,客户端无需了解数据的具体存储位置即可访问。系统架构主要包括客户端、两个活动-备用模式的Metadata Server (MDS,负责元数据管理)、以及大量的Object Storage Targets (OST,存储实际数据)。这些组件通过高速网络(如以太网或QWSNet)连接。Lustre支持大量客户端,理论上可达10000个,确保了系统的高并发能力。 客户端在访问文件时,首先向MDS查询元数据,如文件位置、权限等,然后直接与相关的OST交互获取数据。这种元数据和数据分离的设计极大地提高了效率,客户端专注于处理用户请求,而存储服务器和元数据服务器则专注于数据的存储、传输和管理。这种架构使得系统扩展性和容错性得以提升,比如存储服务器的备份和扩展不会影响客户端性能,且MDS的高可用性保证了数据一致性。 Lustre的全局命名空间使得所有客户端共享统一的文件系统视图,简化了文件管理,并促进了跨节点的数据共享。这种分布式文件系统特别适用于大规模并行计算环境,如超级计算机和云计算场景,能够有效支撑海量数据的高效存取和管理,对于提升计算性能和资源利用率至关重要。 总结来说,Lustre作为一种开放源代码的并行文件系统,凭借其出色的性能、灵活性和可扩展性,在现代IT领域扮演着重要的角色,特别是在高性能计算和大数据处理方面具有显著优势。
2008-05-29 上传
Lustre is a shared disk file system, generally used for large scale cluster computing. The name Lustre is a portmanteau of Linux and cluster. The project aims to provide a file system for clusters of tens of thousands of nodes with petabytes of storage capacity, without compromising speed or security. Lustre is available under the GNU GPL.

Lustre is designed, developed and maintained by Sun Microsystems, Inc. with input from many other individuals and companies. Sun completed its acquisition of Cluster File Systems, Inc., including the Lustre file system, on October 2, 2007, with the intention of bringing the benefits of Lustre technologies to Sun's ZFS file system and the Solaris operating system.

Lustre file systems are used in computer clusters ranging from small workgroup clusters to large-scale, multi-site clusters. Fifteen of the top 30 supercomputers in the world use Lustre file systems, including the world's fastest supercomputer, the Blue Gene/L at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Other supercomputers that use the Lustre file system include systems at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory in North America, the largest system in Asia at Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the largest system in Europe at CEA.

Lustre file systems can support up to tens of thousands of client systems, petabytes (PBs) of storage and hundreds of gigabytes per second (GB/s) of I/O throughput. Businesses ranging from Internet service providers to large financial institutions deploy Lustre file systems in their datacenters. Due to the high scalability of Lustre file systems, Lustre deployments are popular in the oil and gas, manufacturing, rich media and finance sectors.