doi:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1001-893x. 2014. 03. 006
引用格式:李磊,李国林,路翠华. 采用降秩多级维纳滤波器的二维 DOA 估计快速算法[ J]. 电讯技术,2014,54(3) :278-282. [ LI Lei,LI Guo-
lin,LU Cui-hua. Fast Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Based on MSWF[J]. Telecommunication Engineering,
2014,54(3):278-282. ]
采用降秩多级维纳滤波器的二维 DOA 估计快速算法
李摇 磊
(海军航空工程学院,山东 烟台 264001)
摘摇 要:针对双平行线阵的二维波达方向( DOA) 估计问题,为有效降低计算复杂度,提出了一种基
于降秩多级维纳滤波器(MSWF)的快速算法。 首先利用 MSWF 的前向递推实现信号子空间的快速
估计,无需估计协方差矩阵和特征分解;然后,通过 MUSIC 算法对方位角和俯仰角的估计进行分维
估计,使二维 DOA 估计退化为两个一维 DOA 估计问题,且方位角和俯仰角自动配对,进一步降低了
运算量。 仿真结果表 明, 该方 法 的 估 计精度 优 于 同 样基于 双 平 行 线阵提 出 的 波 达方向 矩 阵 法
中图分类号:TN911. 7摇 摇 文献标志码:A摇 摇 文章编号:1001-893X(2014)03-0278-05
Fast Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Direction-of-Arrival
Estimation Based on MSWF
LI Lei,LI Guo-lin,LU Cui-hua
(Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University,Yantai 264001,China)
Abstract:In two-dimensional direction-of-arrival ( DOA) estimation of two parallel linear arrays,a fast
method is presented based on multi-stage Wiener filter(MSWF) to reduce the computational complexity.
First,signal subspace is obtained quickly by using the forward recursions of the MSWF instead of estimating
covariance matrix and eigen decomposition. Then, azimuth and elevation angles are estimated individually
by MUSIC algorithm and paired automatically, which converts the 2-D estimation into two 1-D problems
and decreases the computational complexity further. The simulation results indicate that the performances
of the algorithm are better than that of DOA Matrix Method(DOAM) which is also based on the same array
model. The proposed algorithm is also effective when elevation angles are equal and its computational com鄄
plexity is low, so it is suitable for high real-time DOA estimation.
Key words:DOA estimation; multi-stage Wiener filter; fast algorithm; pair-matching
1摇 引摇 言
二维波达方向( Direction of Arrival,DOA) 估计
通信等领域有着广泛的应用。 近年来,国内外学者
相继提出了一些高分辨力的二维 DOA 估计算法,其
中具有代表性的有二维 MUSIC 算法
和基于 ES鄄
PRIT 算法的二维 DOA 算法
。 这两类算法都要估
解,阵元数为 M 时,特征分解计算量为 O(M
)。 另
外,MUSIC 算法需要进行二维谱峰搜索,ESPRIT 算
第 54 卷 第 3 期
2014 年 3 月
Telecommunication Engineering
Vol. 54摇 No. 3
Mar. 2014
收稿日期:2013-10-29;修回日期:2014-02-26摇 摇 Received date:2013-10-29;Revised date:2014-02-26
Foundation Item:The National Natural Science Foundation of China( No. 61102165)
通讯作者:lilei19880229@ gmail. com摇 摇 Corresponding author:lilei19880229@ gmail. com