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"R for Data Science:Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data" 是一本由Hadley Wickham和Garrett Grolemund合著的书籍,专注于使用R语言进行数据科学工作流程的详细指南。该书于2017年出版,涵盖了数据导入、整理、转换、可视化和建模等多个核心领域。 在R语言的数据科学实践中,"Import"指的是如何将各种来源的数据导入到R环境中,包括CSV、Excel、数据库或API等。作者可能讲解了使用如`readr`、`data.table`、`dbConnect`等包来高效地读取和处理数据。 "Tidy"代表数据清理和组织,这是数据分析的重要步骤。书中可能介绍了tidyverse的概念,这是一个用于数据操作的统一工具包,包括`dplyr`用于数据操作,`tidyr`用于整理数据格式,确保数据满足“整洁”原则,即每个变量有其一列,每个观测值有其一行。 "Transform"部分可能涉及对数据进行各种计算和转换,如分组、聚合、过滤和排序等。使用`dplyr`的管道操作符 `%>%` 可以使代码更加清晰易读。 "Visualize"部分将讨论如何利用R进行数据可视化,可能讲解了`ggplot2`包的使用,这是一个强大的图形生成工具,支持创建复杂且美观的统计图表。读者可以学习如何通过添加图层、调整主题和创建交互式图表来提升数据故事的讲述能力。 "Model"则涵盖使用R进行统计建模和机器学习,可能会介绍`caret`、`randomForest`、`glmnet`等包,以及如何评估模型性能、选择最佳模型和进行预测。 书中还会包含大量实例和练习,帮助读者掌握这些工具并应用于实际项目。此外,可能还讨论了版本控制(如Git)、协作和文档编写,这些都是现代数据科学项目中不可或缺的部分。 《R for Data Science》是学习和提升R语言在数据科学应用方面技能的重要资源,无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的数据分析师,都能从中受益匪浅。通过阅读此书,你将能够构建起一个完整的数据科学工作流程,并学会如何在R中有效地执行这一流程。
2016-12-31 上传
What exactly is data science? With this book, you’ll gain a clear understanding of this discipline for discovering natural laws in the structure of data. Along the way, you’ll learn how to use the versatile R programming language for data analysis. Whenever you measure the same thing twice, you get two results—as long as you measure precisely enough. This phenomenon creates uncertainty and opportunity. Author Garrett Grolemund, Master Instructor at RStudio, shows you how data science can help you work with the uncertainty and capture the opportunities. You’ll learn about: Data Wrangling—how to manipulate datasets to reveal new information Data Visualization—how to create graphs and other visualizations Exploratory Data Analysis—how to find evidence of relationships in your measurements Modelling—how to derive insights and predictions from your data Inference—how to avoid being fooled by data analyses that cannot provide foolproof results Through the course of the book, you’ll also learn about the statistical worldview, a way of seeing the world that permits understanding in the face of uncertainty, and simplicity in the face of complexity. Table of Contents Part I. Explore Chapter 1. Data Visualization with ggplot2 Chapter 2. Workflow: Basics Chapter 3. Data Transformation with dplyr Chapter 4. Workflow: Scripts Chapter 5. Exploratory Data Analysis Chapter 6. Workflow: Projects Part II. Wrangle Chapter 7. Tibbles with tibble Chapter 8. Data Import with readr Chapter 9. Tidy Data with tidyr Chapter 10. Relational Data with dplyr Chapter 11. Strings with stringr Chapter 12. Factors with forcats Chapter 13. Dates and Times with lubridate Part III. Program Chapter 14. Pipes with magrittr Chapter 15. Functions Chapter 16. Vectors Chapter 17. Iteration with purrr Part IV. Model Chapter 18. Model Basics with modelr Chapter 19. Model Building Chapter 20. Many Models with purrr and broom Part V. Communicate Chapter 21. R Markdown Chapter 22. Graphics for Communication with ggplot2 Chapter 23. R Markdown Formats Chapter 24. R Markdown Workflow