智能液体点滴速度监测与控制系统设计与实现 - 基于单片机的毕业论文详解
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The graduation thesis "Design of Infusion Drip Speed Control System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer" from Beijing University of Chemical Technology North China College explores the application of single-chip microcontrollers in real-time monitoring and automatic control systems. The thesis emphasizes the importance of combining knowledge of single-chip microcontrollers with specific hardware structures and software tailored to the characteristics of the application.
The intelligent liquid drip speed monitoring and control system consists of a water droplet speed testing system, water speed control system, display device, single-chip microcontroller system, keyboard, and alarm system. By utilizing the principle of water pressure changing with height difference, the system controls drip speed by controlling the up and down movement of a stepper motor. Drip speed can be set using the keyboard, and an alarm signal is triggered when the water reaches the alert line (2-3cm).
This thesis highlights the key components such as drip speed, stepper motor, and single-chip microcontroller, showcasing the integration of hardware and software in creating an efficient and automated infusion drip speed control system. This research contributes to the advancement of technology in the field of medical equipment and automation, demonstrating the practical application of single-chip microcontrollers in improving healthcare systems.
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