1.1. Historical Persp ective
from Limeb eer and Hung [1987] and Limeb eer and Halikias [1988] who showed, for
problems transformable to 2
1-block problems, that a subsequent minimal realization
of the controller has state dimension no greater than that of the generalized plant
This suggested the likely existence of similarly low dimension optimal controllers in the
general 2
Additional progress on the 2
2-block problems came from Ball and Cohen [1987],
who gaveastate-space solution involving 3 Riccati equations. Jonckheere and Juang
[1987] showed a connection between the 2
1-block problem and previous work by
Jonckheere and Silverman [1978] on linear-quadratic control. Foias and Tannenbaum
[1988] developed an interesting class of operators called skew Toeplitz to study the
2-block problem. Other approaches have been derived by Hung [1989] using an
interpolation theory approach, Kwakernaak [1986] using a polynomial approach, and
Kimura [1988] using a method based on conjugation.
The simple state space
controller formulae to b e presented in this b ook were rst
derived in Glover and Doyle [1988] with the 1984 approach, but using a new 2
solution, together with a cumbersome back substitution. The very simplicityofthenew
formulae and their similaritywith the
ones suggested a more direct approach.
Independent encouragement for a simpler approachtothe
problem came from
papers by Petersen [1987], Khargonekar, Petersen, and Zhou [1990], Zhou and Khar-
gonekar [1988], and Khargonekar, Petersen, and Rotea [1988]. They showed that for
the state-feedback
problem one can choose a constant gain as a (sub)optimal con-
troller. In addition, a formula for the state-feedback gain matrix was given in terms
of an algebraic Riccati equation. Also, these pap ers established connections between
-optimal control, quadratic stabilization, and linear-quadratic dierential games.
The landmark breakthrough came in the DGKF pap er (Doyle, Glover, Khargonekar,
and Francis [1989]). In addition to providing controller formulae that are simple and
expressed in terms of plant data as in Glover and Doyle [1988], the metho ds in that
paper are a fundamental departure from the 1984 approach. In particular, the Youla
parameterization and the resulting 2
2-block model-matching problem of the 1984
solution are avoided entirely; replaced by a more purely state-space approachinvolving
observer-based comp ensators, a pair of 2
1block problems, and a separation argument.
The operator theory still plays a central role (as does Redheer's work [Redheer, 1960]
on linear fractional transformations), but its use is more straightforward. The key
to this was a return to simple and familiar state-space to ols, in the style of Willems
[1971], such as completing the square, and the connection between frequency domain
inequalities (e.g
1), Riccati equations, and sp ectral factorizations. This b ook
in some sense can b e regarded as an expansion of the DGKF paper.
The state-space theory of
can be carried much further, by generalizing time-
invariant to time-varying, innite horizon to nite horizon, and nite dimensional to
innite dimensional. A ourish of activity has begun on these problems since the publi-
cation of the DGKF paper and numerous results have b een published in the literature,
not surprising, many results in DGKF paper generalize
mutatis mutandis
, to these cases,
which are b eyond the scop e of this bo ok.