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| 78 浏览量 | 举报
sed on the simulation of the time domain waveform of the linear frequency modulation (LFM) signal, the digital coherent detection technology is introduced. Finally, based on the matched filter algorithm, pulse compression simulation is applied to the radar echo signal. The simulation results demonstrate that the use of LFM signals can effectively achieve pulse compression of radar echo signals, realize radar ranging, and improve the distance resolution of radar systems.
The key components of this study include linear frequency modulation, pulse compression, digital coherent detection, and matched filtering. By utilizing MATLAB as the platform for simulation, researchers were able to analyze and comprehend the intricate processes involved in radar signal processing.
In conclusion, the study provides a comprehensive overview of the pulse compression technique in radar systems, specifically focusing on the use of LFM signals. Through MATLAB simulations, researchers were able to gain insights into the innovative technologies that facilitate radar ranging and enhance the performance of radar systems.
Overall, the study sheds light on the practical applications of pulse compression in radar systems, emphasizing its potential to revolutionize radar ranging capabilities and improve the overall effectiveness of radar signal processing techniques. By combining theoretical derivations with practical MATLAB simulations, researchers have made significant strides in advancing the field of radar technology.

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