NIST SP800-147:云计算决策指南与 BIOS 保护推荐

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"NIST SP800-147.pdf" 文件是美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)发布的一份关于云计算技术的指导性文件。这份特别出版物旨在以通俗易懂的方式解释云计算这一新兴领域,并为信息技术决策者提供实用的建议。由于云计算仍处于快速发展阶段,其潜在优势和劣势尚未得到充分的研究、文档化和验证,因此,该文档着重于指出何时以及如何适当地利用云服务,同时揭示了当前知识的局限性和未来进一步探讨的必要区域。 文档的核心关注点在于生物启动加载程序(BIOS)保护的指导原则,这是计算机安全的重要组成部分。BIOS,即基本输入输出系统,是计算机启动时运行的第一批程序,确保硬件和操作系统之间的交互。在云计算环境下,保护BIOS免受攻击至关重要,因为这直接影响到数据安全和系统的稳定性。 NIST SP800-147给出了针对云计算环境下BIOS保护的具体推荐,包括但不限于: 1. **评估风险**:根据组织的特定需求和威胁环境,评估将业务流程迁移到云时BIOS安全的风险程度。 2. **选择合适的云服务提供商**:确保服务商有适当的安全措施来保护BIOS,例如物理隔离、加密和访问控制机制。 3. **实施访问控制**:对BIOS管理权限进行严格的访问控制,仅授权给有需要的人员,并限制远程访问。 4. **备份和恢复策略**:制定适当的备份策略,以应对可能的BIOS损坏或丢失,并测试恢复流程的有效性。 5. **持续监控和审计**:定期监控和审计云环境中的BIOS活动,及时发现并应对潜在问题。 6. **教育和培训**:提升员工对于云计算环境中BIOS安全的认识,确保他们遵循最佳实践。 7. **标准和框架**:遵循现有的NIST和其他行业标准,如CIS (Center for Internet Security) 的云安全框架,来加强云BIOS保护。 8. **未来研究方向**:虽然NIST提供了当前的指导,但鉴于云计算技术的快速变化,文件还强调了未来对云计算技术、特别是BIOS保护领域的持续研究和分析的重要性。 NIST SP800-147为组织在采用云计算时如何明智地处理BIOS安全问题提供了明确的路径,同时也提醒人们在享受云计算带来的便利的同时,不应忽视对传统系统关键部分的保护。这份指南对于保障云计算环境中信息系统的整体安全性具有实际价值。
2020-02-25 上传
This document provides guidelines for preventing the unauthorized modification of Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) firmware on PC client systems. Unauthorized modification of BIOS firmware by malicious software constitutes a significant threat because of the BIOS’s unique and privileged position within the PC architecture. A malicious BIOS modification could be part of a sophisticated, targeted attack on an organization —either a permanent denial of service (if the BIOS is corrupted) or a persistent malware presence (if the BIOS is implanted with malware). As used in this publication, the term BIOS refers to conventional BIOS, Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) BIOS, and Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) BIOS. This document applies to system BIOS firmware (e.g., conventional BIOS or UEFI BIOS) stored in the system flash memory of computer systems, including portions that may be formatted as Option ROMs. However, it does not apply to Option ROMs, UEFI drivers, and firmware stored elsewhere in a computer system. Section 3.1 of this guide provides platform vendors with recommendations and guidelines for a secure BIOS update process. Additionally, Section 3.2 provides recommendations for managing the BIOS in an operational environment. Future revisions to this publication will also address the security of critical system firmware that interact with the BIOS. While this document focuses on current and future x86 and x64 client platforms, the controls and procedures are independent of any particular system design. Likewise, although the guide is oriented toward enterprise-class platforms, the necessary technologies are expected to migrate to consumer-grade systems over time. Future efforts may look at boot firmware security for enterprise server platforms.