January 2004 1
For enterprises of any size
For databases up to 8
Exabytes in size.
Either $800 per Named User
Plus (minimum of 25 Users
per CPU).
Or $40,000 per CPU for
unlimited use.
Supported on all
Manages all Your Data
Integrates all your Information
Runs all your Applications
Available all the Time
Proven Security Assurance
Quick to Install, Easy to
Built for the Grid
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition is ideal for enterprises that
need to support high volume on-line transaction processing and
query intensive data warehousing applications. It provides proven
scalability on all hardware configurations, and can be used to
manage very large amounts of information, with the highest level of
security assurance in the industry. Oracle Database 10g Enterprise
Edition provides unique availability benefits that protect your data
from costly human error, reduce the downtime associated with
routine maintenance, and includes self-managing capabilities to help
you lower your operational costs. As the first database designed for
Grid Computing, you can use Oracle Database 10g Enterprise
Edition to significantly reduce your infrastructure costs, through the
efficient use of shared pools of low cost, standardized hardware
Supported on all Environments
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition is available on all Oracle’s supported
operating systems, including Windows, Linux and Unix, and is supported on all
hardware configurations, from small single processor machines to high-end SMP
environments. Cluster and Grid environments are also supported with the Oracle
Real Application Cluster option.
Manages All Your Data
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition supports all standard relational data types,
as well as native storage of XML, Text, Documents, Images, Audio, Video and
Location data. Additional support for complex spatial data can be added with the
Oracle Spatial option.
Access to data stored is via standard interfaces such as SQL, JDBC, SQLJ, ODBC,
OLE DB and ODP.NET, SQL/XML, XQuery, and WebDAV. Business logic
deployed in the database can be written in both Java and PL/SQL.
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition can store up to 8 Exabytes of data in a
single database. Data currently stored outside of the database can be loaded in
parallel, while data already stored in an existing Oracle Database can be simply
transported across operating system platforms and added in bulk without the need to
unload the data.