
0 下载量 164 浏览量 更新于2024-02-19 收藏 121KB PPTX 举报
The English composition summary PPT teaching plan emphasizes the importance of language fluency, clarity, and persuasive writing. It consists of two parts with a total score of 25 points, where 5 points are given for summarizing the passage and 20 points for thematic writing. The assessing principles require healthy content, clear viewpoints, strong persuasiveness, and clear expressions. While reference to the reading materials is allowed, direct quotations from the original text are prohibited. The assessing criteria for scoring include the accuracy of the summary, linguistic norms, and the appropriateness of content. It also requires the use of appropriate reasoning and evidence to support the main point. The assessing principles further emphasize the importance of language norms, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and natural language usage. Both British and American spellings and vocabulary are accepted. However, poor handwriting that affects communication may result in a lower score. The assessing criteria for summarization and thematic writing include the accuracy and conciseness of the summary, grammatical correctness, appropriateness of content, relevance to the writing requirements, and the ability to prove the main point with supporting evidence. In summary, the English composition summary PPT teaching plan provides a comprehensive guide for students to improve their language fluency, persuasive writing, and summarization skills. It emphasizes the importance of clear communication, effective use of evidence, and sound reasoning in thematic writing. The assessing principles and criteria ensure that students are evaluated based on their ability to accurately summarize and effectively present their viewpoints in English composition. Therefore, it serves as a valuable tool for students to enhance their English writing abilities and achieve success in academic evaluations.